My new pygmy chameleons!


Thanks Julirs, I take it that sleeping to much as a wanning sign. I looked at my temps again and was still getting 82, so I turned off two bulbs to lower it. Now Im getting a nice 75F and 80-90% humidity. The Chams are much more Happy, up and running around. Thanks again. You probly saved there lives.

What are some way's to lower the temp in my tank? The lights are making to much heat, I have every window and door in my house open right now because I dont have controll of the temp in my apartment, the lady who does has it turned up to 76F. so just my two 4' floresent bulbs are making the temp go up. Im still holding at 75, but like i said i have to open all my doors and widows just to get my apartment to 70. The summer is going to be alot of problems. I dont think i can keep a constant 70 in here all summer. My AC is only so good. Any one wanna trade two pygmy's for a baby veild? lol kidding.
They are just absolutely cute! I love the looks on their faces! Anyhow, welcome to the forum, and good luck with your 2 new...uhh...dudes, or dude and chick...:)
Just an observation... but what the $!@* is wrong with the lady that controls your temps in the apartment?! 76?! I mean seriously?? That bill has got to be rough. :rolleyes:
The landlord pays the bill so i just walk around in shorts all winter and open my windows if it gets too hot. It was never a problem untill i got the Pygmys. Ran into a catch 22 when setting up the tank, Didn't know what was going to be avalible to me at petshops so i couldn't set up the tank for a specific Herp. I went with a warm and humid setup thinking that for the most part Reptiels like it that way. I was trying to avoid the pygmy chams at 1st though many where avalible to me. Many of the lizards i could get where nocturenla ,everyone knows how intresting that is. lol. Originaly I wanted an emorald tree boa and still do. The landlord fears to death of snakes. Any snake was outta the question. I started looking for Day geckos and chameleons becase they are my fave's. When i seen the pygmy's I couldnt resist and the tank said tropical forest. I atamaticly asumed warm wet, but after some reaseach and comming here I soon learnd how wrong that was. Probly end up switching to the cooler running ballast i have, shoulda done that to start but got lazy and figured the viv could use the extra heat. Live and learn :eek:
The landlord pays the bill so i just walk around in shorts all winter and open my windows if it gets too hot. It was never a problem untill i got the Pygmys. Ran into a catch 22 when setting up the tank, Didn't know what was going to be avalible to me at petshops so i couldn't set up the tank for a specific Herp. I went with a warm and humid setup thinking that for the most part Reptiels like it that way. I was trying to avoid the pygmy chams at 1st though many where avalible to me. Many of the lizards i could get where nocturenla ,everyone knows how intresting that is. lol. Originaly I wanted an emorald tree boa and still do. The landlord fears to death of snakes. Any snake was outta the question. I started looking for Day geckos and chameleons becase they are my fave's. When i seen the pygmy's I couldnt resist and the tank said tropical forest. I atamaticly asumed warm wet, but after some reaseach and comming here I soon learnd how wrong that was. Probly end up switching to the cooler running ballast i have, shoulda done that to start but got lazy and figured the viv could use the extra heat. Live and learn :eek:

A couple of other tricks that might help. Raise the light fixture so there is a gap between the tank top and the bulb. A bit of air movement may help circulate and cool the tank. Set a small fan near the light fixture but not blowing directly into the tank itself. It may disperse the heat of the ballast just enough.
New pics of the two. keeping the temps down is going ok. Im going to move the tank to a cooler room as well.


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Those last two pics were good ones. I do believe you have a happy couple. I love my pygs. If you were in Florida I would be happy to swap you for a baby veiled, I have a couple of clutches getting big right now and room for a couple of brevs. :) Always room for a couple of something, right?
Yes there is allways room for more :) but my apartment is starting to look like a jungle allready now. I have an indoor Zen garden in my living room and the pygmy's tank in my bed room. Would love to still get a veiled or day gecko. When i get the temp problem licked Ill look for two more female brev's.

Here is a pic of my Zenn Garden/Goldfish pond. At this rate it wont be long before my apartment is a jungle, then i can just let the herp's rome free. :D


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Was up late last night and thought thare is no better time to change out the ballast then when the Pyg's are sleeping. So i changed it! Then new ballast has much better color and is alot cooler then the vary old one. My temps are staying less then a degree above room temp now. I can still turn on the two other bulbs as need for winter or cold days. With more controll over the temp i am happy and so are the little pyg's.
With the lower temps they dont seem to want to eat as much. Maybe they just are not hungree? I know when it was around 80 they ate just fine. Mybe both my thermomiters are not acurate? The temp is 76 now and they are totaly unintrested in food. Any Ideas?
They did drink this morring. Jusr not eating. They are not much more active then at 75-82 temps. How are you guys keep your tank's so cold? I mean Im way up here in Canada. Its cold here, and has been, but in the summer it gets hot some day's. you guys must be useing some monster AC units. I have a feeling the temps do need to be a little warmer for theas guys. thinking a peek of 82 is probly fine. I allso have a feeling that napping in the late morring and erly afternoon is normal for theas lizards. Anyone let me know your thoughs?
My Chamelons Seem to be most active twice a day, 1st thing in the moring and again in the evning. Most days they spend the warmest part of the day relaxing and digesting food, that part of the day I feel the temps getting up to 78-82 is fine. Drops to 70 at night are ok as well and they dont mind it a little dryer at night as well. 1st thing in the morring they eat and drink and are ready to start digesting by the middle of the day, some days they may eat again in the evaning but usaly dont drink. They are most comfertable at humidity's above 80% but dont seem to mind a drop to 70% at night. :cool:
I was right again :p . Im 3 for 3! Once we all woke up from our nap the two Pyg's wanted to eat. They defently need a day time peek of 78-82 in witch they like to nap and digest there food. Im right on the temp's I was right on the sex of the female and Im right about the napping. Im starting to wonder if we are talking about the same speacis here. Its a good thing i dont like to do what Im told. lol
I have decided to hook up two of my bulbs on a second timmer. Set them to come on in the middle of the day. Simulating a noon day sun. Ill run them for 3 hours a day to rase my temps for a short time and help the pygmys with digestion.
They did drink this morring. Jusr not eating. They are not much more active then at 75-82 temps. How are you guys keep your tank's so cold? I mean Im way up here in Canada. Its cold here, and has been, but in the summer it gets hot some day's. you guys must be useing some monster AC units. I have a feeling the temps do need to be a little warmer for theas guys. thinking a peek of 82 is probly fine. I allso have a feeling that napping in the late morring and erly afternoon is normal for theas lizards. Anyone let me know your thoughs?

Well, consider that herps can go into a sort of hyper state if they are too warm and they may well eat more too. Once they are exposed to a slightly lower temp their metabolism will drop slightly too. Overfeeding isn't automatically good. When you are talking about such a slight margin of error (for pygs) it is probably safer to err on the cooler side than the warmer side.

The habitat they come from is VERY buffered by the density of the forest canopy overhead. They probably don't experience a lot of variation from hour to hour or day to day, but do from season to season.
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