My new pygmys


New Member
So I just got 2 female brevs. I put them in an exo-terra 12*12*18 tank. I have a ficus in there right now and ill prolly get another small one to go in as soon as my new debit cards comes in the mail. The substrate is just hydro balls and coco fiber. If anyone can tell me where I can order some springtails that would be great. If anyone has constructive criticism, or just any comments, post them below.

Also, my hygrometer just broke so if anyone knows a good one to buy or a good brand post that as well.


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also, normally I have a little dome with a daylight bulb running but when i took these pics we were in the middle of a heatwave so lights were too hot.
Congratulations on your new arrivals! The tank looks good. I would add some larger floor debris for them to hide under, such as little sticks and dead dried leaves (baked in the oven first to kill off anything unwanted).

What temps are you aiming for?
Looks great! I've got my male brev in the same exo, but I added an aquarium background on the 2 sides to give him more security. (Plus it looks really good!)
I am aiming for 70-77 degrees F. Room temp in my house is generally 68-72F so temps are good. My last hygrometer broke though so I'm not too sure what the humidity is. The room humidity is around 35-40%. I spray a few times a day so I would guess my humidity is around 60-70%. I need to go buy a new hygrometer though so ill find out soon.
Do you think if I wanted to I could puit a male in the setup I have for a 1.2 colony? Or is the cage too small for that?
I got the 12X12X18-I think it would house 1.2 just fine. I would get another plant in there. Little schefflera work great or mini-plams that you find in the house plant section.
Ya, I definitely want another plant in there, even if I don't get a male to stick in. Thanks for the plant suggestions.

Also, for the springtails, do I want the tropical or temperate ones.
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