My new setup


Established Member
Ive spent the last 2 days getting my setup more permanent and drainage plumbed and everything good to go. Everything is solid and im jsut waiting for a mistking now and everything will be set!

My cham corner, excuse the mess i had to tear my bookshelf apart

Cages with the table i had to build for the smaller cages to be level

Funnels to catch drips out of elevated cages


Drainage out of 1/2" PVC. Works like a freaking charm and i love not having to worry about drip pans and all that crap. Makes life so easy!!

lemme know what you guys think!
It's impossible to keep sternfeldi beside lateralis and calyptratus, their temperature needs are really really different...
It's impossible to keep sternfeldi beside lateralis and calyptratus, their temperature needs are really really different...

i dont understnad why... one cage (calyptratus) has a basking of 87 or so with a 95Watt light, the Lateralis has a 60 watt light and a basking spot temp of 80-82 depeding on how open my windows are and the sternfeldi has a 20 watt christmas tree bulb and a basking spot of a whopping 76 degrees... my room ampient is 70-75 and everyone is doing just fine....

care to explain why they cant be kept next to eachother in detail?
im going to bump this cuz id really like to hear a reason i cant keep them next to eachother.
I'm with Eisentrauti!!! The chams that you have come from very different areas and need different parameters.. ok that you have basking spots less strong for Sternfeldi but they need much more humidity than the other chams!! they're totaly different.. sorry but it's my opinion!!
im going to bump this cuz id really like to hear a reason i cant keep them next to eachother.

Trioceros sternfeldi = montane species, needs low night temperatures, higher humidity, just a small spot for the day

Furcifer lateralis = needs higher night temperatures than sternfeldi, higher day temperatures and very bright lighting

Chamaeleo calyptratus = relatively dry, cooler night temperatures than lateralis. According to their origin a seasonal temperature change is recommend
i dont understnad why... one cage (calyptratus) has a basking of 87 or so with a 95Watt light, the Lateralis has a 60 watt light and a basking spot temp of 80-82 depeding on how open my windows are and the sternfeldi has a 20 watt christmas tree bulb and a basking spot of a whopping 76 degrees... my room ampient is 70-75 and everyone is doing just fine....

care to explain why they cant be kept next to eachother in detail?

The question is how long all are doing fine...
I would try possibly putting a piece of wood between them all? It may help vary the temps and humidity. Or put a sheet of painters plastic drop cloth on each cage wall that is adjacent to another.
I would try possibly putting a piece of wood between them all? It may help vary the temps and humidity. Or put a sheet of painters plastic drop cloth on each cage wall that is adjacent to another.

there is dark green plexi glass between the cages. night temps in my room are in the 50s and they are all misted differently by what their humidity demands are.

i cant control the night temps, i have too many reptiles in my room to have it closed shut plus my room faces the front of the house where the breeze comes from and my parents want my wondow open for house circulation

everything is monitored carefully and if i cant keep them next to eachother who wants to buy them?
sorry but it could be better mate looks a bit of a bodge job to be honest! (sorry obviously only my opinion but like to speak my mind) it could look so much better!
You could help lower the night temps with a fan (even a small one can really help) in your windowsill facing out. I'd worry about the overall temps in summer. They may be workable right now.

If your drainage setup meets your needs and works, who cares what it looks like?

If you find the temps in your montane species cage are too high try putting a piece of styrofoam between the cages that extends above the cage top to block the heat radiating from the lamps too. Heat rises so possibly putting your cooler cages lower than the warmer one might help.

I know it's tempting to have more than one cham, but at some point space is going to limit what you can keep in a room.
all the shit in the room sets it off a treat don't u think?! I would have at least had a little tidy before posting piks, thats asking for it lol!
You could help lower the night temps with a fan (even a small one can really help) in your windowsill facing out. I'd worry about the overall temps in summer. They may be workable right now.

If your drainage setup meets your needs and works, who cares what it looks like?

If you find the temps in your montane species cage are too high try putting a piece of styrofoam between the cages that extends above the cage top to block the heat radiating from the lamps too. Heat rises so possibly putting your cooler cages lower than the warmer one might help.

I know it's tempting to have more than one cham, but at some point space is going to limit what you can keep in a room.

I dont believe that i have a problem with night temps... in the summer it may need to have a fan near the window, but during the day the AC will be on cuz my parents are Nazis about it

damn dude nice work!

Did ya still need that lamp? or are you gonna get one at the show this weekend?
Thanks Kevin, im just going to get one this weekendthere is enough light over all the cages so everything is good, i cant wait for the grow light though

sorry but it could be better mate looks a bit of a bodge job to be honest! (sorry obviously only my opinion but like to speak my mind) it could look so much better!

all the shit in the room sets it off a treat don't u think?! I would have at least had a little tidy before posting piks, thats asking for it lol!

3 worthless f*****g posts in this thread.... do you do anything but just be a troll? I obviously dont give a shit if you see my messy room, it is clean and organized, with plywood over the openings so you cant see the drainge piping or under the little cages... if you read the op it says i had to tear apart my bookshelf and didnt usual look like that
haha easy tiger! u asked for comments so I commented! It aint my fault if it aint pleasing to the eye! Do u want me to lie and say it looks good?
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