My new Tokay!


Established Member
This is my new male Tokay gecko Eric! He was very easy to tame, took less than 24 hours. I think he is so pretty:)

Sitting on me while I watch TV.
Eric is very beautiful. I am jealous you have a tame one! I would love to stroke a Tokay under the chin like you do!!
Looks like he has rubbed the tip of his nose a little too much. Keep an eye on it! I can't tell if it's healed or not, but just make sure he doesn't start doing it. Congratulations with your Tokay!
Thanks everybody!

Kinyonga he used to bite, puff up and bark like most Tokays. Tokays only do this when they are afriad of people and are being defensive. They are naturally a very gentle and docile gecko. My 6 yr old daughter plays with them. Once you show the geckos you are not going to eat them they become very tame. The trick is never grabbing them, letting them walk in your hands and being very slow in the beginning. I have 2 other Tokays that are also very tame. One I raised as a baby and the other was a WC adult.

Syn he did have mild nose rub in the pet store. They had him in a screen cage which is hard on little noses when they are trying to get out.
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