My panther chameleon eggs got moved! are they any good?

I have 7 month along panther eggs. I moved and I think one of my movers was careless when placing a box and my incubator got bumped and now my eggs are not in the same spots as they were at earlier check that morning. They still look the same as they did before the move and its been a couple days and there has been no change in the eggs. all are an off white color and are kept at 79 Degrees all the time with a couple degree drop at night. Always in the dark. How long until I know if they are no good. These are my first panther chameleon eggs and I really dont want to loose them. Can someone give me some advice?? or any signs that the eggs are no good??
movn eggs

I have dropped containers of eggs missjudged shelfs and bumbed containers on the shelf lets just say more than once. every time they have all hatched out just fine but your temp is a bit high !
They will likely be fine. Somewhat depends on how far along they are in development. But I've actually dropped a container with eggs a good three feet to the ground, had them roll on the floor before being picked up and put back into medium. No issues.
At seven months they should be fine, from what I understand of embryology. Younger they run the risk of being "crushed" by the weight of the yoke, which is why the embryo develops on the top of the egg. But at this point they should be big enough to be OK. But don't quote me on that, embryology class was 2 years ago!
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