My panther chameleon is brown :( help


New Member
I just got my panther chameleon on last thursday he has eaten only 8-9 medium crickets from petco gutloaded with cricket crack and lightly dusted with calcium no d3. oh yea he is 4 months olds. He is in a cage recommended by the breeder that should be good for him until I transfer him to his adult cage. I have a reptisun bulb and a basking bulb. the temperature where he sits is 85 degress farehneit and ambient 75-79. I havn't seen him drink except his pee part of his poop is white. I have counted the crickets I have put in I'm puttin in more today because he finished them. but he doesn't eat them alot. i'm ordering silkworms to see if he fancys them. but the problem is he sits in the corner of his cage on a branch most of the day and only has 1 eye open even though the humidity is around 60%. and when I got him he was this amazing light blue but now he has a darker blue with a brown patch on him and kinda black bars. I havn't handled him either.
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