My Panther & I are new, just wanted to say hello.


New Member
Hi everyone I am new to the forum and I just wanted to introduce myself as wel as my little buddy. I have a 5 month old panther named Groovy, I am currently free ranging him after reading much Info from people that do. It just makes more sense about all the benifits free ranging has vs cage (But the added risk does hinder). I just think they are better off this way. He will grow up getting use to me being there with him in his big big cage (my room). Rather then his cage being zipped and a huge hand reaching in trying to take him out of his home. We share 1 home and live amongst eachother and plus it looks so much cooler & what other animal can you do that with? Enough of that talk, I finally decided to join this forum after all the countless times ive been redirected here during my research. I stopped being lazy and wanted to see pictures so I took the 3 mins and joined. Ive been lurking in and out of certin threads for a while gathering info through google and came across some pretty knowledgeable people. Im hoping to get help from experts smd people with years of experience when I need it the most. Hopefully it just stays pictures and updates though. This is my second cham I had a female veiled once so im not too nee but still have a lot to master.
P.s. last pic is colors after a nice warm steamy shower.


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First of all, WELCOME :D
Second of all your setup is the bomb, I love the sign and Groovy is a good looking fella:)
Hope to see more of him in the future.
Hi and welcome
I love your guys colors! He's going to be a stunner :) And your set up looks good too :)
Greetings and welcome to the world's best and largest chameleon forum.

I love your setup. No cage! you have everything your cham needs right there, so he will always come back to that spot even if he wanders around to explore.
I wish I could figure some sort of way to make my whole living room one large cham home with no screens!! :confused:
Of course, I would need to put sheets of plastic on the floor in the areas where they hang out the most because of the poop. However, with 4 chams, that would be a little tough!!
If I only had one, I would have done this from the start :)
I love the free range set up you have! I would love to do that with mine, but I have 2 cats, so It's really not an option. Welcome to the forums and Groovy is a beauty! Can't wait to see more pics of him as he grows!
Hello, welcome to you and little Groovy :). Nice to have even more hippies on the forum :D.........
And it's a very good looking setup you have for him, I'm sure he'll be very happy there.

That was hilarious when I clicked the link, I didn't even think to relate the two. I have to rig up some kind of recording that I can play when I show people his shag pad. Everyone else thank you for the positive reviews im glad people like him and his home. His colors aren't and full and bold as some of the others I see on here, I'm hoping he fills in to be as vibrant as the others.
Welcome to our world. You are correct that we have a lot of knowledgeable people, and they will be here if you need them.

Your boy might not have all his colors yet but he sure I beautiful. Nice set up letting him roam.
Welcome to the forums! Groovy is one handsome little guy! I also free range all my chameleons, well all of my animals. :D
That was hilarious when I clicked the link, I didn't even think to relate the two. I have to rig up some kind of recording that I can play when I show people his shag pad. Everyone else thank you for the positive reviews im glad people like him and his home. His colors aren't and full and bold as some of the others I see on here, I'm hoping he fills in to be as vibrant as the others.
He is only 5 months old, so he has lots of time to color up :)
Groovy is adorable, and he's got plenty of time to color up, don't worry! My ambi is less than 8 months old, and the change from 4-8 months is astounding! I love the free range setup as well. Welcome and hope to see more pictures!
Thank you everyone for your Greetings,,, Im excited and looking forward to seeing all your chams and learning from the knowledgeable people. Its nice technology can provide us these tools. I couldn't imagine being back in the day and not having a Google machine to ask the most simplest/critical question, I would freak and my heart goes out to all the animals that suffered because their owner didn't have such a great support community and knowledge we have now.
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