My Panther is sleeping with his tongue out???

Thats not a good sign at all! You should get to an exotic vet ASAP!
Don't let his tongue dry out, it will only increase the possibility of a need of an amputation.

I'm not a pro but I've read about similar issues. A vet is highly recommended
Hi, sleeping when he should be awake is generally not a good sign. Coupled with his tongue hanging out is something i would like to see before giving a opinion/recommendation. Can you post pics please.
Hi, sleeping when he should be awake is generally not a good sign. Coupled with his tongue hanging out is something i would like to see before giving a opinion/recommendation. Can you post pics please.

Not related to post, but very happy to see you. I miss you. Would love a pm
You said he is sleeping with his tongue out then you said he sleeps at night but his tongue is out during the day...please clarify.
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He was sleeping with his tongue out at night. But during the day he has his mouth open off and on. I just looked at his poop and it had a slight tint of orange to it. Not dark orange just a tint. So it sounds like he is getting dehydrated. I dont see him drink hardly anything. I mist I have a dripped. I don't know what to do he is eating. Is there some type of food that will has moisture. He might be going to the vet on Monday. Any thoughts. I have not been able to post pictures recently. I can e mail pics. I don't have one with his tongue sticking out. Ugh. I got his temperature up too 80 in his basking spot. Humity really low 35 to 55. Mostly in 40's.
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