My panther


New Member
Hi all I haven't been on this in a longtime, didn't post much either but that'll all change!

I had what turned out to be a female panther (ambilobe)

I really had my heart set on a male panther

A good friend of mine breeds panthers & she took my female off me because I have now purchased myself an 8 month old nosy be panther chameleon!

His name is jelly bean (my friend called him that and I promised I wouldn't change his name)

Haven't got any pics of him yet because I only have him a few days but I do have a video of him
wow he's pretty!

you need to take that bulb out ASAP,

idk what kind of bulb it is, or what you're using it for, but it should not be in the cage, it could either burn your cham, or shatter during misting! Chams don't know taht something is too hot until they have literally singed the skin off thier flesh.

it's really dangerous! Please!
wow he's pretty!

you need to take that bulb out ASAP,

idk what kind of bulb it is, or what you're using it for, but it should not be in the cage, it could either burn your cham, or shatter during misting! Chams don't know taht something is too hot until they have literally singed the skin off thier flesh.

it's really dangerous! Please!

That was in the shop he was in, that's a UV bulb, he has a strip UV in his own tank now, his heat lights are outside the tank don't worry!
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