My poor bessy..


New Member
About two hours ago my mom said something was wrong with bessy my pygmy chameleon. I wasn't really worried until I saw her... her mouth was sealed shut she wasn't moving and there was blood and a cricket leg jammed between her mouth :( I was so sad to see her like this I couldn't help but start to cry we tried to pry her mouth open and she started freaking out.... it was horrific to watch. Bessy is now in her cage lying there in pain all the vets are closed and we need a miracle... may she rest in peace.
A cricket leg punctured her tongue and caused infection... she's lying in her cage wheezing... It's simply horrifying. :(
I'm sad to say bessy wasn't moving. She was thin her mouth was completely sealed shut with infection and her eyes were dry and blank. If she just lived for 15 more minutes I could have gotten her to the vet. I don't think I will be getting another chamleon for a while though bessy will never be forgotten. :( Maybe I can find a use for the hamster cage in the shed :(
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