My problem Chamelion!!


New Member
So I rescued a veiled chameleon, he is around a year and 4 months old. He is severely underweight and I have been trying to feed him super worms so he can put on more weight. I have just started introducing crickets to him, but he has no interest in them... what should I do without force feeding him? He eats only little amounts and there is always food left over...
Does he eat the supers pretty good?

My rescue veiled I started with crickets, then added super worms into his food. And now he won't touch the crickets. He eats the supers like a piggy though. :rolleyes:
Wax worms are pretty fatty if he needs weight.. and easier to digest.. but to many isn't good either.. can we see a pic?. Male veileds of that age can go without food for awhile so don't force feed him! It's not worth the stress unless its life or death.
How long have u had him?
Do u maybe want to fill out this form so we can be on board with wat ya got goin on?
Panchlora nivea Green Banana Cockroach. These work very well for finicky eaters. They are soft bodied, green and can fly. I havent heard of a chameleon yet who wont eat them even if they are finicky.
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