My Rhacodactylus Photos





wow... lol your cresties are so awesome!
all those pics really make me want to get one or two!
Awesome cresties syn ;)
My two mommas sharing a cage for a while until we get cage upgrades. They always sleep by/next to each other.
Don't worry, they have been housed together before with no problems and they get along just fine. I am monitoring weights.


Here is my MBD rescue, Ace. He is a gecko I show to people when they want to feed something other than the recommended CGD.
He was fed honey with calcium powder and crickets. He is 2-3 years old and is the size of a 6-8 month old gecko.


I started laughing so hard... it is too funny when the wee ones get like this!
Your new camera take great pictures! I love your cresties and the video of the baby is just too cute! It's a good thing that he didn't have teeth. :)
Your new camera take great pictures! I love your cresties and the video of the baby is just too cute! It's a good thing that he didn't have teeth. :)
Oh they have teeth, just not sharp teeth and not super jaw strength like an adult tokay.
I have one male crested that did an alligator roll after he latched on to me and ripped off a good chunk of skin. :eek:
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