My scarry looking crickets

I may have to try some.

Just being honest, bananas are nice for smaller reptiles or for fun variety(chams go nuts for them!), but they don't make good regular feeders. Just too small, and take a little longer to reproduce than say discoid. The adults don't live as long either.
Just being honest, bananas are nice for smaller reptiles or for fun variety(chams go nuts for them!), but they don't make good regular feeders. Just too small, and take a little longer to reproduce than say discoid. The adults don't live as long either.

I have noticed the adult dont live long but it seems they mature faster too? Also yea they are a extra variety feeder for sure since they're so small i agree.
When just dealing with a dozen or two that are fed off quickly, they’re ok. Having to have bins of hundreds of them though - ugh! The beardie‘s appetite goes way beyond what my roach colony can provide, so crickets are necessary.

James may have already asked this and such.

What temp are you keeping them at? Discoids I have read do not breed well if their bin is under 90.

If you want a grown hisser a Female can eat, like snitz said. Check out E. chopardi, "Dwarf Hisser" they look just like Halloween Hissers but only get half the size or so.
James may have already asked this and such.

What temp are you keeping them at? Discoids I have read do not breed well if their bin is under 90.

If you want a grown hisser a Female can eat, like snitz said. Check out E. chopardi, "Dwarf Hisser" they look just like Halloween Hissers but only get half the size or so.

Good point, I found this out the hard way. I originally got like 12 discoid medium sized nymphs. It took them over a year to breed because I wasn't keeping them warm enough and they seem to prefer moist substrate. Another thing with discoids, apparently almost all you come across are a weird hybrid mix of discoidalis/craniifer/fusca/etc. The pure from the wild strains are said to breed faster. I have 2 colonies, one that was originated from banana bay FL(pure strain) and one of unknown origin(the 12 I first got). The banana bay's are slightly smaller, but do seem to breed much much faster.

As for dwarf hissers. I agree! Not much talk of them ever, but I have several colonies of hissers and they are my best eaters/growers. Already have nymphs. Would make great feeders IMO.
James may have already asked this and such.

What temp are you keeping them at? Discoids I have read do not breed well if their bin is under 90.

If you want a grown hisser a Female can eat, like snitz said. Check out E. chopardi, "Dwarf Hisser" they look just like Halloween Hissers but only get half the size or so.
I kept them between 85-95 with a heat mat. When I switched them to a clear container (to prevent climbing), it’s already hot here so I didn’t put the heat mat. They’re in my garage which gets like an oven when it’s hot. My male/female ratio wasn’t ideal either, so I separated the extra males. Hoping my beardie will get soon big enough to eat the grown extra males.
What about Surinam? Has to be Fl legal.

Forgot about them. Yes they're great and easy. They breed pretty fast and are a little larger and meatier than banana roaches, but still on the small side for roaches.

Another is horseshoe crab roaches. My colony is still new to be selling a bunch off, but they get larger and a beardie would probably like them a lot.

Deaths head roaches could go a good option too, but they don't breed as fast as discoid. Little larger though.

Hissers too, but I'm unsure what the FL laws are like for them.
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