Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Rango
veiled chameleon
female and about 7-8 months? not exactly sure because pet store had no clue but they said maybe she was a juvi.
How long has it been in your care? 6 months
Handling - maybe 3 to 4 times a week, lately its been once a day. she's super friendly with me and not strangers.
Feeding - crickets are her main food, 5-7 total in a day. mealworms & super worms as her treats. 1-4 depending on their size. usually before or after work.
i use'd to be dipping them all in this calcium powder but these last weeks 3 weeks with family over and extra work id just give them to her without anything on them. she has no interests in any greens or fruits, basically if it doesn't move she wants nothing to do with it.
i give my crickets flukers high calcium diet for gut loading.
Supplements -
Rep-cal Phosphorus-free Calcium with Vit.D3 ultra fine powder.
Watering - misting once a day unless she is shedding or looks a little dry, maybe humidity isn't to my liking then its a couple more.
Do you see your chameleon drinking? all the time. she's not shy.
Fecal Description - normal lizard like..? brown with a lil bit of white. Has this chameleon ever been tested for parasites? no.
History -
my boyfriend got me this chameleon on my birthday because he knew just how much i've always wanted one but i knew how much work they were so i was hesitant on getting one myself because i work. but.. since he bought me a boy (or so he was told) i was pumped!' i was like this shall be a piece of cake!'
i'm sad to say she's been living the pass 6 months as a male in a "paradise man cave"
which she would be ok if it wouldn't have been that petco also gave him a UVA light
"because that just what they need"
apparently Petco workers are allowed to just sell creatures without knowing sh-t!
anyway's not going there.
it all started Jan16th when i got off work sick. came home, feed Rango about 6 crickets watched him eat a few, he looked just fine and jumped in bed. i woke up 2 hours later to turn off his light, took a look at him and saw him laying down at the bottom of his cage and i knew something was NOT good! snapped outta my sickness grabbed him out which is something i hadn't done all week and started checking all his body out, sat down and did some research on google. i found out through pictures that he had MBD which explained why he seemed to have hurt his hand (probably fractured it) during that time i was sleeping because he wouldn't open it up and just drag it like it hurt. i ended up giving him about two drops of calcium gluconate with an insulin shot needle right under his arm like i had read up on. he definitely had MBD by the look in his legs. so i took all his climbing stuff out and set it up like he was a ground lizard so he wouldn't hurt himself anymore that night and in the morning took him to the vet.
at this time i knew from what i read it had to be MBD. he seemed kind of lethargic too. our name was called and in i went with Rango. i briefed the vet on what i was thinking it would be and explained his arm and asked if he was a female or male because we where having suspicions already being the fact that she was kinda bloated or just chubby because i thought she felt kinda spongy. He shut me down saying he could not tell her sex but that she was for sure bloated since usually he can squish their bellies and feel his finger on the other side so she had something obstructing inside of her"..
i was holding my angry fumes back from the way he was treating her all like a piece of meat and pinching her legs like she was a spring chicken which obviously she has MBD and he could be breaking bones!!! so i tell him to treat her nice and he gets offended! puts her down and takes a step back telling me he wouldn't be doing this if he didn't know, he said we needed X-rays to find out so i went out and waited. then like we thought! she's a female with eggs! five eggs he said she had! i looked and saw more but I'm not a chameleon expert. I've never even seen a chameleon X-ray before that day.
he said that the eggs were squishing her intestines and that she would need surgery if she cant lay the eggs herself and that he doesn't preform the surgery (probably because his hands shake like no tomorrow) and being the fact that she was so weak she would probably die. but that she definitely had MBD and that we should give her about two drops a day of the calcium gluconate that i have at home and see what happens. he gave her a baytril shot and some fluids but that thats all he could do. besides offering to keep her over there.
but once i got her back from baytril shot and fluids with a big bruise on her.
i was beyond emotional and decided she's not leaving my sight at all. so i brought her back home.
on my way i stopped and got all the essentials for female chameleons to lay eggs, play sand that said had calcium and did the eco earth mixture i had read about here on chameleon forums) thank goodness for that cause that vet sure didnt mention anything about fixing her home for laying time. jezz. And, for the first time got the actual UVB light! i fixed her terrarium all up with about 6 inches of the sand mixture, some of her fake plants and nothing on the walls to crawl on so she wouldn't fall. she was traumatized with her vet encounter for the first time so i didn't want to go put her in a trash can with sand like i had read about to top off her stressful day.
frankly i believe she's to weak to even go two inches of digging especially with her hand the way it is. i covered all her house up with a black around the glass for privacy and have her UVB and her UVA one that keeps it a little more warmer for her with the temperature not going over 78. and she has 50% humidity.
she didn't eat that day. first time i ever weighed her and she was 1 ounce and 5 8ths. i figured it would help me know how she's doing? just a hunch)
on the 18th we gave Rango a shot of 7 drops of calcium gluconate with an insulin shot again bacause putting it in her mouth like the vet said is honestly to stressful on her and she's a better champ with the needle. we also gave her in the same shot .02 cc of fluids.
her bruise looked much better. we are giving her the shot on the right side where her bad hand is. we have never left her a dark bruise like the vet.
and she's moving around a bit more. still no eating. even grabbing the cricket or worm was not tempting enough. ( she used to eat out of my hand with no problem) i read it doesn't matter if they eat or not when they are gonna lay..? i'm here thinking how do i know she's ready to lay when i have no clue how far along she is or if feeding her will create more eggs or if her intestines are really squished as the vet said it was then will i make it worse?? ugh
On the 19th i heard her digging when everyone was sleeping (she lives on my dresser in my room) i felt relieved she was trying and fell back to sleep. in the morning i woke up to see and she was resting on her piece of wood which is on the other side of her tank with evidence of sand on her left arm plus i looked over to see and indeed she had dug a tinsy bit on the hole i had dug for her on the far corner in a slanted way. i was so excited thinking maybe she's gonna do this'.. i gave her a shot again and decided i was going to just leave her some mealworms in her little food container in hopes she will eat some while i'm off at work. since i've caught her drinking out of her water container she's used to. sadly i forgot how many i put in there couldint have been more than 5 small mealworms but i came back from work to find it empty!
20th she has done zero digging and she seems to be moving around a bit just like the pass two days but not any different. i know they say MBD takes a long time to heal or should i say get a bit better but is there anything i can do to speed this up? she seems to be wanting to get higher to the UVA light instead of digging for laying her eggs. gave her the same shot but theres this color that is bothering me.. its like a redness underneath her skin.
21st. yesterday) i looked everywhere online and i cant find anything talking about red under their skin. i do know that on humans red usually means infection and thats been bothering me a lot. the vet only gave her that one baytril shot. he mentioned nothing about giving her anymore antibiotics. what do you guys think? it's like a strong pink-ish like red under her skin. i do have baytril at my house. i would know nothing on the amount tho. her weight is now 1 ounce 3 4ths. still giving her the same shot. she did not eat. and is not digging.
today she is the same. i feel like her body is just stalling. she didn't eat. she did dig a bit. i gave her some more mealworms and no interest. even with a hand held cricket. also gave her the calcium shot with a bit of fluids once again. any idea if i should up her calcium?
Current Problem - debating if i should give her baytril? if so how much? what is up with her skin coloring?. has anyone ever given sugar water or like electrolytes to their chams before? like for strength? whats your thoughts on that? also is it important that she eat? being the fact that she should be laying eggs?
I'm open to any ideas! i really want to bring her back. i do know she wont be 100% due to the MBD but i want her to feel good and she doesn't look very happy at all. please help anyone! i didn't have room to write about her enclosure but i will 
Your Chameleon - Rango
veiled chameleon
female and about 7-8 months? not exactly sure because pet store had no clue but they said maybe she was a juvi.
How long has it been in your care? 6 months
Handling - maybe 3 to 4 times a week, lately its been once a day. she's super friendly with me and not strangers.
Feeding - crickets are her main food, 5-7 total in a day. mealworms & super worms as her treats. 1-4 depending on their size. usually before or after work.
i use'd to be dipping them all in this calcium powder but these last weeks 3 weeks with family over and extra work id just give them to her without anything on them. she has no interests in any greens or fruits, basically if it doesn't move she wants nothing to do with it.
i give my crickets flukers high calcium diet for gut loading.
Supplements -
Rep-cal Phosphorus-free Calcium with Vit.D3 ultra fine powder.
Watering - misting once a day unless she is shedding or looks a little dry, maybe humidity isn't to my liking then its a couple more.
Do you see your chameleon drinking? all the time. she's not shy.
Fecal Description - normal lizard like..? brown with a lil bit of white. Has this chameleon ever been tested for parasites? no.
History -
my boyfriend got me this chameleon on my birthday because he knew just how much i've always wanted one but i knew how much work they were so i was hesitant on getting one myself because i work. but.. since he bought me a boy (or so he was told) i was pumped!' i was like this shall be a piece of cake!'
i'm sad to say she's been living the pass 6 months as a male in a "paradise man cave"
"because that just what they need"
apparently Petco workers are allowed to just sell creatures without knowing sh-t!
anyway's not going there.
it all started Jan16th when i got off work sick. came home, feed Rango about 6 crickets watched him eat a few, he looked just fine and jumped in bed. i woke up 2 hours later to turn off his light, took a look at him and saw him laying down at the bottom of his cage and i knew something was NOT good! snapped outta my sickness grabbed him out which is something i hadn't done all week and started checking all his body out, sat down and did some research on google. i found out through pictures that he had MBD which explained why he seemed to have hurt his hand (probably fractured it) during that time i was sleeping because he wouldn't open it up and just drag it like it hurt. i ended up giving him about two drops of calcium gluconate with an insulin shot needle right under his arm like i had read up on. he definitely had MBD by the look in his legs. so i took all his climbing stuff out and set it up like he was a ground lizard so he wouldn't hurt himself anymore that night and in the morning took him to the vet.

at this time i knew from what i read it had to be MBD. he seemed kind of lethargic too. our name was called and in i went with Rango. i briefed the vet on what i was thinking it would be and explained his arm and asked if he was a female or male because we where having suspicions already being the fact that she was kinda bloated or just chubby because i thought she felt kinda spongy. He shut me down saying he could not tell her sex but that she was for sure bloated since usually he can squish their bellies and feel his finger on the other side so she had something obstructing inside of her"..
i was holding my angry fumes back from the way he was treating her all like a piece of meat and pinching her legs like she was a spring chicken which obviously she has MBD and he could be breaking bones!!! so i tell him to treat her nice and he gets offended! puts her down and takes a step back telling me he wouldn't be doing this if he didn't know, he said we needed X-rays to find out so i went out and waited. then like we thought! she's a female with eggs! five eggs he said she had! i looked and saw more but I'm not a chameleon expert. I've never even seen a chameleon X-ray before that day.

he said that the eggs were squishing her intestines and that she would need surgery if she cant lay the eggs herself and that he doesn't preform the surgery (probably because his hands shake like no tomorrow) and being the fact that she was so weak she would probably die. but that she definitely had MBD and that we should give her about two drops a day of the calcium gluconate that i have at home and see what happens. he gave her a baytril shot and some fluids but that thats all he could do. besides offering to keep her over there.
but once i got her back from baytril shot and fluids with a big bruise on her.

i was beyond emotional and decided she's not leaving my sight at all. so i brought her back home.
on my way i stopped and got all the essentials for female chameleons to lay eggs, play sand that said had calcium and did the eco earth mixture i had read about here on chameleon forums) thank goodness for that cause that vet sure didnt mention anything about fixing her home for laying time. jezz. And, for the first time got the actual UVB light! i fixed her terrarium all up with about 6 inches of the sand mixture, some of her fake plants and nothing on the walls to crawl on so she wouldn't fall. she was traumatized with her vet encounter for the first time so i didn't want to go put her in a trash can with sand like i had read about to top off her stressful day.
frankly i believe she's to weak to even go two inches of digging especially with her hand the way it is. i covered all her house up with a black around the glass for privacy and have her UVB and her UVA one that keeps it a little more warmer for her with the temperature not going over 78. and she has 50% humidity.
she didn't eat that day. first time i ever weighed her and she was 1 ounce and 5 8ths. i figured it would help me know how she's doing? just a hunch)
on the 18th we gave Rango a shot of 7 drops of calcium gluconate with an insulin shot again bacause putting it in her mouth like the vet said is honestly to stressful on her and she's a better champ with the needle. we also gave her in the same shot .02 cc of fluids.
her bruise looked much better. we are giving her the shot on the right side where her bad hand is. we have never left her a dark bruise like the vet.
and she's moving around a bit more. still no eating. even grabbing the cricket or worm was not tempting enough. ( she used to eat out of my hand with no problem) i read it doesn't matter if they eat or not when they are gonna lay..? i'm here thinking how do i know she's ready to lay when i have no clue how far along she is or if feeding her will create more eggs or if her intestines are really squished as the vet said it was then will i make it worse?? ugh
On the 19th i heard her digging when everyone was sleeping (she lives on my dresser in my room) i felt relieved she was trying and fell back to sleep. in the morning i woke up to see and she was resting on her piece of wood which is on the other side of her tank with evidence of sand on her left arm plus i looked over to see and indeed she had dug a tinsy bit on the hole i had dug for her on the far corner in a slanted way. i was so excited thinking maybe she's gonna do this'.. i gave her a shot again and decided i was going to just leave her some mealworms in her little food container in hopes she will eat some while i'm off at work. since i've caught her drinking out of her water container she's used to. sadly i forgot how many i put in there couldint have been more than 5 small mealworms but i came back from work to find it empty!
20th she has done zero digging and she seems to be moving around a bit just like the pass two days but not any different. i know they say MBD takes a long time to heal or should i say get a bit better but is there anything i can do to speed this up? she seems to be wanting to get higher to the UVA light instead of digging for laying her eggs. gave her the same shot but theres this color that is bothering me.. its like a redness underneath her skin.
21st. yesterday) i looked everywhere online and i cant find anything talking about red under their skin. i do know that on humans red usually means infection and thats been bothering me a lot. the vet only gave her that one baytril shot. he mentioned nothing about giving her anymore antibiotics. what do you guys think? it's like a strong pink-ish like red under her skin. i do have baytril at my house. i would know nothing on the amount tho. her weight is now 1 ounce 3 4ths. still giving her the same shot. she did not eat. and is not digging.

today she is the same. i feel like her body is just stalling. she didn't eat. she did dig a bit. i gave her some more mealworms and no interest. even with a hand held cricket. also gave her the calcium shot with a bit of fluids once again. any idea if i should up her calcium?
Current Problem - debating if i should give her baytril? if so how much? what is up with her skin coloring?. has anyone ever given sugar water or like electrolytes to their chams before? like for strength? whats your thoughts on that? also is it important that she eat? being the fact that she should be laying eggs?