My sleeping baby


New Member
I caught him/her sleeping last night at about 9... it was too cute. Looks to be dreaming of something happy LOL


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OMG, Kuzco was sleeping in that exact position 2 nights ago! Haha.

Then last night he slept on the door!? I was like Uhmm...whatever floats your lil cham boat...:rolleyes:
My graceful girl sometimes rests her chin on her foot and the stick. ( such a pretty princess) But My big veiled boy grabs on and leans back. I know if he was a man he would be snoring and farting all night. :rolleyes:
I know its bed time for my baby when I see him/her around that leaf. Him/her definitely likes that spot (which is actually low in the enclosure). By the morning, it looks like he/she lost her grip a little, or slid down the leaf just slightly and one leg is normally not gripping anything. LOL

This is my first chameleon... its very exciting! :D
My graceful girl sometimes rests her chin on her foot and the stick. ( such a pretty princess) But My big veiled boy grabs on and leans back. I know if he was a man he would be snoring and farting all night. :rolleyes:

LOL Well I get the snoring from my pug and the farting from my doberman puppy (thank goodness he sleeps with my husband most nights LMAO)
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