My Stressed Chameleon


New Member
My Rhampholeon temporalis seems stressed. He has lots of room to hide in the branches and on the ground, he lives with a Rieppeleon brevicaudatus. I mist the terrarium 2-3 times a day, and his light schedule is 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of no light. If there is anything in my terrarium that causes stress or reduces feeling of safety. Tell me please. And I dont want to start a new thread but do you know a place in Ft. Lauderdale FL that carries pinhead crickets, if not where should I buy them online? He also seems to sleep in the day a lot.

Rhampholeon temporalis
Rieppeleon brevicaudatus
My 12' 12' 18' terrarium
I would think that the first stressor would probably be the chameleon of a different species. Even tho the smaller chameleons are communal in nature they do tend to avoid other species even if they are the same size.
How much research did you do prior to getting these chameleons?

Not all pygmies require the same exact thing. :rolleyes: You probably have one species too hot or too cold.
how many crickets are we talking here? Lazy H bait is on the other coast in LaBelle. You have to atleast order 500 and they are $14.00 with shipping to your door. You will get them in one day and I never had a problem with them being dead even with the heat. Very healthy crickets Their number is 863-675-3109
Incorrect Sale

I did much research about Rieppeleon brevicaudatus, but the man at Ben Segal Reptiles sold him to me a temporalis labeled as a brev, even though I denied his claim he persisted in it being a brev until I bought.:eek:
Why do you think your temporalis is stressed? What are your temps in the enclosure? I'd still like to see a photo of your temporalis where you can make anything out just to make sure it is in fact temporalis.

He takes on a gray-brown color and sleeps during the day, which I was told was a sign to look for. He has not produced feces since he was bought, and likes to hide on the bottom of the terrarium and keeps his distance from the glass.
What is room temp in your house? Room temp could be anywhere between 70-78F in my book. The upper end of that is getting too warm for Rh. temporalis.

I did much research about Rieppeleon brevicaudatus, but the man at Ben Segal Reptiles sold him to me a temporalis labeled as a brev, even though I denied his claim he persisted in it being a brev until I bought.:eek:
So... you knew it was a different species but purchased it anyways and threw it in with a different species? I'm not seeing the logic.

Get some pictures posted.. clear pictures.

Maybe room temp in day and a slight drop to high 60's at night. Remember this enclosure was designed for brevs.
Do you not have something that is monitoring these temperatures? Guesses won't do you any good.
We're more than happy to help you in any way we can, but you have to start being more specific. Answer the questions others are asking you with as much detail and precision as possible, and you'll get detailed help.
The temps are 73 degrees on my thermometer, and the humidity is 70%.
Im new to this forum and chameleons so I need to learn these things.:)
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