My Uroplatus Phantasticus pair

I will Definitely keep you updated and that is how we learn by talking about our successes and failures, it's all about keeping our hobby thriving and the animals healthy. Funny you mentioned Lineatus, I just picked up a nice Male from the same breeder I bought the Phants from, pictures to come soon, now I need to find a female lol:D
Exactly, and I look forward to updates! And WHAAAAAAT??? haha.....put up some pictures already, I'm a very impatient guy! haha Give me the deets, is he CB? I'd assume so but many breeders still work with WC or LTC so interested in his origins. How old, and what's his length? And what are you keeping him in/planning to keep him in? I fell in love with this species last year when a local reptile store brough in four and were trying to sell them at an expo, but I of course didn't have the funds haha. The guy who runs the store sold one male and ended up keeping the trio in the hopes of breeding them, and they're currently on display at the store. I know he got eggs but they were no good. I don't know if he gave up on them or not, I'm actually going there tomorrow to pick up vermiculite from a guy who works there. I'll check if anything has happened and I'll take a few pics if they're still there.

I see you're starting to get the itch too haha, have you considered any other species? The breeder I bought my Sikorae from had some outrageous Fimbriatus for sale when I bought them, but I just didn't have that kind of money, or the space for that matter haha. I'll put up some pics of them (though the pics aren't great, but you'll get the idea haha), they were absolutely unreal.
LOL, I'll get pictures up soon, he is two years old and captive bred from steve, he's a big gecko, I haven't measured him yet but he's got to be 9 -10 inches or so! A really impressive and elegant animal...I've definitely got the bug ha ha ha! I keep him in a planted 18+24 exoterra, I will be getting 55 gallon vert built for him, as I have to admit he was a impulse buy and not planned (which by the way, I don't typically do) You don't see them often in the hobby, so, If you happen to come across a Female please send me the contact info!!
The only other ones I'm looking into next are Uroplatus pietschmanni, which I hope to get from Steve in the near future!
Wow so he's almost full size already! Hahaha the itch, it's contagious!!! Hey, impulse buys are not always as terrible as people make them out to be; you think I expected to come home with a pair of U. sikorae? No way haha, I saw them and couldn't pass them up, then spent the rest of the day setting up the enclosure haha. It happens, these animals aren't exactly on every table at an expo, or in every shop for that matter. In fact, my breeder doesn't even have Lineatus for sale (he's got a pair at least, but they're getting up there in age). If I see something, I'll let you know. I was supposed to go to my local reptile store today but I was so exhausted I fell asleep and woke up an hour before they close haha....I'll see if I can make a trip on Sunday.

Pietschmanni is an awesome species, a buddy of mine really covets them haha. He loves how they completely disappear on a piece of cork. When he showed me the pics I was pretty impressed, and not so much on the camouflage, but the shape of the head which was weird compared to most Uroplatus.

I'm a huge fan of the Fimbriatus though, at the show last week someone was selling a WC pair, and they were absolutely ENORMOUS haha. My breeder had babies, but like I said, I just don't have the space at the moment for another 2x2x4, nor the funds for a glass enclosure that size. I'll get you the pics from the January show when I get the chance, the females were soooo intense. It'll add another species to your ever-growing list haha.
OMG this thread makes me want a Uroplatus Phantasticus sooo bad!!! I was going to go with Gargoyle Geckos but these look stunning!
Ha ha ha BugBoy my list is soooo long my husband built me a climate controlled reptile room, probably because he was tired of all the enclosures around the house, he doesn't share my enthusiasm :rolleyes: and Sin, Phants are amazing and they are a delight to own!!!
When I impulse buy it's always something I had researched, because your right, these animals aren't on everyone's tables lol!
Hahahaha at least you got him to make an entire room dedicated to your animals!! My mom had considered giving me the entire downstairs, with my dad's office as the reptile room....and even though he leaves all of his papers on the upstairs dining room table, he will NOT let me have the space haha. They're nice enough to let me bring home whatever I want (mostly insects) as long as I don't bring home a snake, which is my #1 goal haha, but I gotta respect my parents.

Sin, they are AMAZING animals, but defintitely not for a beginner. Not trying to put you down at all, just stating the facts. I'll admit, they've gotten easier to take care of as breeders have success with them, but definitely not like a gargoyle. Though I did say to Anna, and I have to stand by my opinions, you get what you like, not what's easier to take care of, or cheaper for that matter. It just makes you bored of the animal and more likely to neglect the care it needs. These animals have taken years for breeders to finally realize what they need to stay alive, and eventually breed. Just do your research and you may be the next U. phantasticus breeder on the market!

Exactly!!!! When do you see CB U. phantasticus on a table at a reptile expo?? I saw one last month, but unfortunately I didn't have the money for him. I spent my money on another rarity, Anolis barbatus, which is also never on the tables. The fact that I knew the guy selling him made the purchase even more irresistable haha, I got him for a rediculous price, less than half of what they usually go for. Sometimes you have to impulse buy knowing you may never see the animal again, for the right price. And when you pass them up, it may take years before you see another for sale. I've passed up so many animals I wished I had acted on, and look where I am now haha, no Uroplatus phantasticus anywhere (though I haven't contacted a few breeders, including yours) and kicking myself for not acting sooner haha. Sometimes you have to act before the opportunity is too late!
Agreed, and that is wonderful that your parents allow you to keep so many herps, too bad they couldn't see how wonderful snakes are! Tell them my 6 year old daughter owns her very own Ball Python :p kidding of course but if it wasn't for my Mothers tolerance and love for nature, I wouldn't be who I am today!
Tell them my 6 year old daughter owns her very own Ball Python :p

Hahaha, they still wouldn't care....

I've had the conversation with my Mom before regarding snakes, and she's admitted that though she's not a fan, she wouldn't mind them, IF the whole rats/mice thing wasn't an issue.....she's DISGUSTED and TERRIFIED of them haha. My Dad is not at all a man of nature, and snakes are not on his "OK" list; aside from that so long as I keep things clean he stays out of the way. But I am very fortunate they allow me to embrace my passion for the animals, and like yours, my Mom loves nature and is very supportive of it. Hell, she'd come with me to a reptile show if I asked her to join me haha. Can't do that though, she'd never let me hear the end of it if I came home with something expensive hahaha.
I would def. do my research on them first, but with how little stuff is out there with them right now doubt I'd get one anytime soon. I have a 1 yr old Veiled and two >5 mo old panthers going right now, once I the panthers move into their big boy cages I may be lookin at different species of animals .

I wish I could turn a room into a climate controlled room.. seems like a hastle though. Would have to get an AC unit and humidifier for the whole room.. Or maybe a dehumidifier and just make sure the cages are humid.. hmmm.. Also that room would be crazy hard to keep cool in the summer.. probably hit upwards of 110 this summer and all my bedrooms are upstairs.. hmmmm Maybe I could repurpose the "family room" and make it into an animal sanctuary.. Its nice living alone, don't have to ask anyone which room I can take over hahaha :D
Like I said, with quite a few people breeding them nowadays they aren't as difficult as they used to be when WC, but that doesn't mean you can label them easy haha. Although I must admit, when I spoke to my breeders about keeping Uroplatus, they told me they compared them to Rhacodactylus, stating they originally bought Rhacs. in order to pay for the Uro's, and were in the process of selling their Rhacs. because they were so successful with the Uro's! Here's a very good link to get you started though, it covers most Uroplatus.

Yeah, a climate controlled room is defintitely a hassle, but can be the key to your success with certain species. I live in Long Island and while winters are very chilly, summers are brutal; I sometimes have trouble in summer keeping the temps in my room below 80F. You're lucky you live alone haha, that's actually one of the main reasons I want to get out of my house....I could set up animals in every corner of my place with no one to yell at me haha. The other reason is my brother, so I won't have to lock my door causing the temps to get so high in the first place haha. What species of reptiles were you looking into?
I was looking into getting some geckos, wasnt sure about which type but did want some.

I live in California, I live in the central valley of California, we get all types of weather here, drops in the 10's or 20's in the winter, and summers get 110, so having a room that I could keep a steady temp would be really nice. Right now I have my chams set up in a bedroom and it gets pretty hot up there because of the heat outside and their basking lights. It's already hitting around 85 out here during the day.. gonna be a fun summer. They are definetely going to have to move out of that bedroom before it gets any warmer out.
Anne have you seen this months Reptiles magazine? it has an excellent article on Uroplatus. Your guys are so cool.
I have Laurie :D It was a good article and honestly I was worried about these guys due to the horror stories I've heard, but if you keep them cooler and humid without being saturated, they seem pretty easy!
Sin, that's quite the temp swing haha! At least you can move them around to regulate temps, if I moved anything outside of my room my Dad would poop himself haha.

I hate not getting Reptiles Magazine anymore, which month has this article? March or April?
A really good one is June 2011 and this past March has an article too I believe! My subscription is up now, I need to renew lol, but I have an entire book case devoted to Reptiles Magazine and National Geographic!!
I envy you haha, my mom used to grab whatever issue was available at the time and put it in my stocking for Christmas. Unfortunately they were damaged and are pretty much useless at this point. I'd love to read this article, is it online somewhere?
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