My Uroplatus Phantasticus pair

I imagine it would be, google it :) in the mean time here is my U. lineatus!


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SUH-WEEEET!! It's about time haha! He looks awesome, did you upgrade his enclosure yet? And that background is totally custom haha, did you make this one? Let's see a full tank shot!
I did make my own backround with coco fiber, great stuff and aquarium sealant, it's really not all that impressive though and needs to grow out a bit! He has been upgraded though! Spawn, it is his original tail, he's a really cool guy and thank you :)
Hey, the fact that you withstood silicone and great stuff is impressive haha. Looks good to me, there's not a whole lot more you can do with a Uroplatus enclosure. What plants do you have in there? What size enclosure do you have him in now?
Thank you Laurie, that means allot, I love all my critters and sure do try to make them happy :). Bug boy He's in an 18+18+ 24, I do plan on putting him in a 50 vert and it's in the works now, He'll be upgraded again, lol! I have a few Bromeliads, Schefflera and golden pothos, a few fake plants as well, I hate fake but they do hold water longer for humidity purposes!
Here is an updated picture of my sweet baby Monsoon the Quad, from Laurie :) enjoying some sun!


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