My Veilds


New Member
Been a while since I posted, but thought I would give some updated pics of my veilds. Last year I had went to Texas for Christmas, and while gone we had someone taking care of the chams and snakes for us... Long story short they never fed my chams and I found them in a bad way when I returned two weeks later. So far they are both healthy and happy and munch on all the food they can get. I think their size is a bit stunted from this, but otherwise healthy.

Both of these chameleons have been housed inside only since I aquired them as babies. however, I do plan on building them outdoor cages this month or next.

My buddy lent me his male transbald to breed to my female as well. Due to a 17 hour power outage yesterday I was unable to see if copulation took place, but she looks to be in her gravid color. Let me know what you think. Here is my boy George, my girl Chloe and my buddies transbald...


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Thanks, he can change those colors super fast on me. I am about to upload a video of me feeding them here in just a little bit.
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