Chameleon Enthusiast
Just peeking in between my appointments so will make this brief. She definitely has MBD and she definitely looks egg bound. Her eggs are not shelled yet from the looks of her x-ray and appear to be in the follicular phase still. I think that's what you may have been referring to jpowell rather than truly infertile. With follicles it means they're either too early to be laid, or they're stuck that way and will never actually get shelled enough to be laid. Oxytocin will not be effective at this stage. And she's in no condition to lay right now given her MBD. If she is strong and trying to be somewhat normal you can give it a few weeks of treating her MBD and if at that point her x-ray has not changed (still tight cluster of very round shapes) then she's in follicular stasis and will need surgical removal. If they look a little more spread out and oval rather than round then they might be progressing to shelled eggs that can be laid. But surgery is often needed with these girls because their bodies are too overwhelmed by the MBD to be able to keep everything else normal.
So is it possible that there may be damage done since oxytocin was administered? I have always been under the impression that oxytocin given too early or not when the chameleon is in labor can cause damage internally. Is that correct or is it outdated information?