My Veiled Chameleon is very agressive how can I prevent this

Can you post a pic of your set up as is so I can help you figure out what you need. Take a picture and upload it where it says upload a file.
How do I post
Can you post a pic of your set up as is so I can help you figure out what you need. Take a picture and upload it where it says upload a file.
how do I post picture


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Females can produce eggs without having been with a male. She needs a place to dig in her cage...a proper egg laying she can lay them when she needs to lay them.if you don't provide her with a place she will likely become eggbound.
Not always. I didn’t know when my girl first had to but luckily I had the bin in there. She ate and acted normal till the day she started digging. It’s best to always have one in there
Not always. I didn’t know when my girl first had to but luckily I had the bin in there. She ate and acted normal till the day she started digging. It’s best to always have one in there
What do I fill it with and can I just put the bin at the bottom of the cage , also can the red heat lamp work as a basking light at day
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