My Veiled is afraid of the dark...


New Member
so this all started a when i first got Steve, my 4 month old Veiled, i had his lighting on a schedule of 8 to 8. but the minute the lights turn off he hisses at me and turns black (i can tell he is black cause i turn on the overhead light to see why he is hissing). so i started leaving a small lamp on to see if it would make him feel better, and it did, he turns back to green and goes to sleep. so i guess my question is this, is this safe? will this hurt him? i just want to make sure my little guy is ok.
That is like the cutest thing I've ever heard!! I don't know why he is afraid of the dark or anything...but that's adorable :D
If the lighting schedule is the same each day, your chameleon will likely get used to the timing and put himself to bed. I would think if you are close to the enclosure that Steve is uncomfortable with your presence when it gets dark. Not sure what type of foliage he has to settle in to, but dense planting can help him feel more secure. I try to gradually shut my veiled's lighting down to mimic a sunset a bit, and this seems to work for me. Does Steve sleep in the same spot each night? Here's a link to my lighting setup blog. Hope this gives you some ideas! Hope Steve gets to bed on time :D;).

Oh, and as for is it safe? Yep! As long as the light isn't on all night and it helps him settle in for the night it should be fine :cool:.
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