My veiled isn't drinking...HELP!!!!

Alright guys, super new to everything but I already love him to death. I want to make sure everything is perfect for him. I've added a couple pictures of my setup I had to throw together last minute (got him yesterday) so he could at least eat and be warm. A couple of things I need a lot of help on. 1: What am I missing and what do I need to change? *most important* ---> 2: I spritz him down along with the plants but I really don't think he is drinking any water. I started becoming concerned after I noticed him hanging upside down under the UVB bulb with his mouth open. That's how I came across this amazing site, it told me he was probably top hot and I need to change the bulb wattage. I have a 26 watt but apparently I need 20 watt one. Well I also just noticed he has orange poop which I think it said was a sign of dehydration. PLEASE HELP GUYS, I don't want my little guy to suffer ever! Btw his name is "Macho Man" Randy Savage. In case your wondering where I got the name, just do a quick search for "Macho Man chameleon" on YouTube. It's like 3 something minutes along and absolutely hilarious....I'll link it when I get a chance....but right now I need to get him hydrated.

Sorry these pics are so small


Mist multiple times a day. and yes the orange urate means hes dehyrdated.

hanging upside down is normal, but the mouth open does usually mean hes too hot.

He would feel better if you put mor foliage in the cage with him. so he can hide.
i would get those bulbs off the screen, so he cant get burned.

what supplements do yo uhave?
what are you going to feed him>

waht is your basking temp?
If you really need to rehydrate him, place him on a plant in your shower and let the water bounce off the wall or fall lightly on part of the plant. Let your cham soak on the plant for 30-45 minutes. Use lukewarm water.
Hi! Everything camimom said, plus: get a dripper! I really think a dripper going for at least 4 hours a day (doesn't have to be all in a row) in addition to misting is important (unless you are misting a whole heck of a lot...which is only practical if you have an automated mister). This means you're probably going to want to set up a drainage system You can buy an inexpensive table (think Ikea), cut a hole in the top, put a bucket under the hole. Put your cage on top and drill a couple of small holes over the hole in the table. You might want to sand the area a bit to encourage the water to flow to the holes.
Sorry about the slow response time, my iPad went to sleep while I was getting the info she was asking for and it logged me out.

Mist multiple times a day. and yes the orange urate means hes dehyrdated.

hanging upside down is normal, but the mouth open does usually mean hes too hot.

He would feel better if you put mor foliage in the cage with him. so he can hide.
i would get those bulbs off the screen, so he cant get burned.

what supplements do yo uhave?
what are you going to feed him>

waht is your basking temp?

*the bulbs aren't sitting on the screen but slightly above. Let me know if I still need to move them.

*i have a bunch of live crickets I coat in powdered calcium & multivitamin....not sure about supplements (please advice as to what I should use)

*UVB 26 watt 82 degrees
*incandescent 50 watt - I held the digi thermometer in between the branch and lamp and it got it self to 87 degrees. Now I don't know if that's because I held it there for a minute.
If you really need to rehydrate him, place him on a plant in your shower and let the water bounce off the wall or fall lightly on part of the plant. Let your cham soak on the plant for 30-45 minutes. Use lukewarm water.

How can I make sure he stays on the plant?
Fixed...sorry about that. :)

im just messing with ya.

for supplementing- a calcium with no d3 dusted on every feeding, a calcium with d3 for twice a month, multivitamin twice a month.

if the mesh isnt hot at all then the bulbs are fine.. but if its warm, move it higher, they arent the smartest when it comes to hot surfaces.
im just messing with ya.

for supplementing- a calcium with no d3 dusted on every feeding, a calcium with d3 for twice a month, multivitamin twice a month.

if the mesh isnt hot at all then the bulbs are fine.. but if its warm, move it higher, they arent the smartest when it comes to hot surfaces.

That's cool, just didn't want to disrespect. :)

I just felt and had my roommate feel the mesh and it didn't feel warm at all to us.

Here's an up close shot of the powder I have.
ok that has d3. so that should only be used twice a month,

Thankfully I've only used it twice. Looks like I need to go to the store asap for some non D3 powder.

Also, I have have branches with leaves on them right now. Can I place him on it and just hold it in the shower if need be?
Thankfully I've only used it twice. Looks like I need to go to the store asap for some non D3 powder.

Also, I have have branches with leaves on them right now. Can I place him on it and just hold it in the shower if need be?

You prob wont find the without d3 in a store. but if you do,kudos!

and you can do that, just dont place him under the shower. you want to aim the showe rhead towards the wall, and let the water bounce off. that mist it creates, is where yo uwant him.
You're more likely to find calcium without D3 at a store that specializes in reptiles. Lacking that, many of the board sponsors sell it.
2 more questions....If I can not find the non d3 calcium will it be OK to use the calcium with the d3 until I get some or do I just give him plain crickets? Also how often do I need to be feeding him and how many crickets?
You might want to call them before making the trip.

If they don't have it, there are two "DIY" solutions. You can use Tums or that cuttlebone they sell for birds. I can get that at my grocery store. I don't know if the Tums has a flavor that's an issue but the cuttlebone is pretty much 100% calcium carbonate which is what the supplement is. Grind which ever you choose as fine as you can (try grating it, I just thought of that, it might work better). I would feed every day and as much as he will eat.
You might want to call them before making the trip.

If they don't have it, there are two "DIY" solutions. You can use Tums or that cuttlebone they sell for birds. I can get that at my grocery store. I don't know if the Tums has a flavor that's an issue but the cuttlebone is pretty much 100% calcium carbonate which is what the supplement is. Grind which ever you choose as fine as you can (try grating it, I just thought of that, it might work better). I would feed every day and as much as he will eat.

Thank you very much, that's a great idea! I'm going to try to get some at the store. :)
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