My veiled's belley.


It is very very very sticking out at the bottom...really round, from the side it looks like a beer belley. But long ways it's really this normal for a 9 month old cham, Is he FULL?? I feed him at least 1 or 2 large crickets every day as of late even if he is full...because he will eat them. and comes knockin for them :p. But is it normal? and his usual diet is around 8-9 large crickets a day (he's very small for a veiled).
lol u probably aren't picturing it wrong, and it just recently started being so bloated looking about 5-8 days ago, so i've been feeding him less since, um, he may be getting to much calcium, but he wasn't getting enough most of his life so far. i won't be able to get a picture until after christmas. His plants are dying so he's do for some new lll ficus :D. home depots plants didnt last a year! :p.
Perhaps he is trying to make himself look bigger.. but if this is an ongoing thing that doesn't go away you might need to take him to the vet.
Could be impacted, could have something else. Just doesn't seem right.
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