My Veils life as a Dog


New Member
Closing in on 7 years Karma just can't handle the tree anymore. Since he's been free range his whole life we finally found a compromise that works for him. Originally I got this pillow as fall protection should he fall from the tree and miss the trampoline I made or fall off the trampoline. Not a proud state for a male Veil who at one time weighed in near 350 grams. Then the other day I had to be gone (work at home) and put him on the pillow on the floor. He loved it.

So we retired him from active tree duty and he seems fine with that. At least he can still look out the window.


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I'm so glad to see that Karma's still hanging in there. You've got a very nice set up there for your senior guy! Jann
Aww, a senior veiled! I'm so glad that you're making him comfy. How is the misting going with that pillow?:p
He's fine. Right now he's shedding and he'll take his hind leg and scratch like a dog. He looks so funny!
there was another post of an older veiled that would sleep at the foot of the keepers bed, and had to be hand fed. ill look for it.

way to go with this guy, you are obviously very in tune what his needs

how old is he? does his tounge still work?
reyesjoshuacruz -- that other post was the same guy. Yes he has to sleep at the foot of the bed. No questions about it. He won't go to sleep unless we take him there. A couple of weeks ago we go back late and he was on the trampoline (fell or crawled down from the tree) just sitting on the edge watching the door for us to come take him to bed.

He's 6.9 months old. We have to hand feed him. His tongue still works but he misses and gets upset. I just hand feed him and he's fine. He fires up when he's eating or when we hold him.
sorry for the confusion

wow that is soo awesome. i had a monster cbb f3 male that was my main breeder, he was free range inside 50% outside 50% i was slowly changing to 100% outside, and some neighborhood kids swiped him.

he was to life out his days like the king he was in the ca sun. what a bummer

keep up the good work
wow 6 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i only had the pleasure of his company after he was 1.5 yrs. i cant imagine 6 weeks, what a great experience.
He is so cute there!!!!! I certainly hope that I get to enjoy Luie for a very long time like you have Karma. They are very special little animals! I've had pets all my life but never gotton as attached to any pet the way I'm attached to my chameleon. They have a way of just getting right in your heart.
awwww... those pictures are so hallmark moments.
What a lucky guy. He seems so content and happy...
When you get a chance you should do a picture story of Karma from the time you got him till present. I'm sure everyone would like to see them. I know I would!
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