my velied set up


New Member
hi guys im new to chameleons and just wanted some advice or sugestions on my set up

ive had kermit a male velied for 3 weeks now hes eating and drinking fine. hes about 4 months old now.

hes currently in a viv 20x20x20 ive removed the roof and replaced it with wire mesh for ventalation..ive got a flexarium 100 for him for when hes a bit bigger, just wondered what size would be good for him to move in??

ive got a exo-terra lamp with a 60w lamp, the basking area is around 90-95f
in the cool end its about 70-75f so was thinking of adding another light maybe a ceramic to bring the temp up to 80-85fas he seems to spend most of his time in the warmer end.
the night temp is about 60f is this to cold or ok?
ive also got a 10. repti glo uvb
and a little dripper
i mist 1-2 times per day.

he eats locust every day and i dust 1 day with calcium 1 day with vitamins and 1 day with nothing then start over. he use 2 eat crickets but started refusing after he had locust. i also offer meal worm every other day but only a few.

ill try upload some pics so you guys can see any pointers would be good
ive got a veiled the same age

basking temp should be low 80`s for a baby and 70 in the cool end try a 40 watt normal house buld they work fine

dust the feeders 6 days a week w/o d3, with d3 every fortnight and vitamins once a month, thats my regime and it works fine

mealworms are not advised due to there hard skin

my viv is 4x3x2 wood and glass, im not sure if a mesh viv would be ok in our country it could get too cold on a night

also try fruit and veg once a week mine loves banana, peach, apple, carrot and dark greens now and again but shes not too keen but make sure they are really tiny pieces
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60F is an ok temp. at night, dont use a night light for him

a variety of feeders is important if you want him to
be healthy and happy. Try gutloading those crickets with
veggies like turnip greens, mustard greens, collard greens, & carrots,
and see if he starts liking crickets again. Try breeding Indian walking sticks for
him to eat as a snack. super worms are an ok treat but shouldnt be fed every day
due to a high fat content. butterworms are a good high calcium treat
ive added some pics to the member gallery, cant make a album yet..

bradleymarky thats the viv i was going to get but was advised not to. might look into getting it.

ive tried him on apple and banana he didnt seem bothered by it, will keep trying thoe.

i gut load the feeders with carrots, and greens but he still doesnt take the crickets,
hi guys im new to chameleons and just wanted some advice or sugestions on my set up

ive had kermit a male velied for 3 weeks now hes eating and drinking fine. hes about 4 months old now.

hes currently in a viv 20x20x20 ive removed the roof and replaced it with wire mesh for ventalation..ive got a flexarium 100 for him for when hes a bit bigger, just wondered what size would be good for him to move in??

ive got a exo-terra lamp with a 60w lamp, the basking area is around 90-95f
in the cool end its about 70-75f so was thinking of adding another light maybe a ceramic to bring the temp up to 80-85fas he seems to spend most of his time in the warmer end.
the night temp is about 60f is this to cold or ok?
ive also got a 10. repti glo uvb
and a little dripper
i mist 1-2 times per day.

he eats locust every day and i dust 1 day with calcium 1 day with vitamins and 1 day with nothing then start over. he use 2 eat crickets but started refusing after he had locust. i also offer meal worm every other day but only a few.

ill try upload some pics so you guys can see any pointers would be good

My temps at night range from 60-65. That wont hurt them..they are pretty tough. Also every day you do a different dusting? Thats how I am seeing it and sorry if I am mistaken. So here is how I do it....first get a calendar and mark every week on the calendar according to the schedule I give you.

week 1:
mon-fri: calcium without d3
sat: none
sun: calcium with d3

week 2:
mon-fri: calcium without d3
sat: none
sun: vitamins

week 3:
repeat week 1

week 4:
repeat week 2

At the end of the month just start over.

Good luck
you could try him with waxworms but only 1 a week, they are full of fat and only given as a treat, silkworms are a good source of vitamin also

you will need real plants i have a weeping fig that my girl eats from time to time and a umbrella plant for the humidity
you could try him with waxworms but only 1 a week, they are full of fat and only given as a treat, silkworms are a good source of vitamin also

you will need real plants i have a weeping fig that my girl eats from time to time and a umbrella plant for the humidity

Yes take him off waxworms. Fatty worms should be once a month treat. Do try what people are suggesting. At 3-4months my cham was eating phoenix worms. Silkworms grow fast, so I heard, so I would breed them and what not for the future to come.
ive brought a ficus benjimina (weeping fig i think..) today, didnt get a chance 2 wash it down, its a bit big so might wait until i get a new viv. any tips on how i should wash it down and do i need 2 change the soil?
ive brought a ficus benjimina (weeping fig i think..) today, didnt get a chance 2 wash it down, its a bit big so might wait until i get a new viv. any tips on how i should wash it down and do i need 2 change the soil?

If the soil has white pieces in it then yes change it. If it has ever been fertilized then yes change it. To be safe I would change it to natural soil

You can take it outside and hose it down. If it don't fit then its fine, just use it for the bigger cage. If you can find some..go buy pothos. Safe to eat and safe to have. Perfect for chams
what type of dust do u use? ive got eurorep which i got when i brought the viv, was looking at changing it for exo terra.
my viv is 4x3x2 wood and glass said:
you can use a mesh viv over here you just have to fill it with live plants to keep the humidity up or cover the sides with a shower curtain where bouts are you in yorkshire? used to work up there
ive got a 100 gallon flexarium that i want to start using as soon as hes big enough, ive been told u can get a plastic sheet to put on 1 side to keep humidity up.
ive got a 100 gallon flexarium that i want to start using as soon as hes big enough, ive been told u can get a plastic sheet to put on 1 side to keep humidity up.

plastic sheet, trash bag, hair capes..yes that helps. If one side doesn't help try more. I am using repcal from lllreptile. D3 and without D3...with vitamins..
Charlie is in a 100 gallon size cage (4 ft tall) and I think I moved him in it when he was around 5months. You wont have to wait long.
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