My Vieled just layed eggs and I have a few questions?


New Member
I bought my girl veiled Chameleon 12/15/09 and the guy I bought her from was an idiot. He had her in a 20 gallon glass aquarium and she was already 7-8 months old and she was with 3 babies that was only 3-5 months of age. I bought all of them just to get them away from him and because they are all just so cute. So back to the question at hand. I was told when I got her she was about a month or so away from being able to be mated. Well when we got home that night and Put her and the little guys in a large enclosure (yes all together but only until the next day as I was only expecting to come home with one chameleon and it was to late to build another cage or go buy one anywhere) the oldest of the other 3 aprox 4-5 months mounted her and mated. Now I am assuming that he was old enough since he was doing it but I don't know enough yet to say for sure. Now yesterday She laid 41 eggs I have dug them up and placed them on perelite and in little Tupperware containers with holes in the lids and in a nice box that can keep them warm. I have thermometers in the container so that I can keep and eye on it and it is showing 75-80 is that temp OK and do I need to put any water in the perilite as I read another forum somewhere else that said you needed to put in water just not on the eggs is that true? Any help that can be given is greatly appreciated as I want to make sure that if these eggs are fertile that they are well taken care of.
First welcome to the forums.....a great place to learn about chameleons. I have two adult veileds myself and they are absolutely wonderful creatures.

As for the eggs you seems to be doing everything correct. I am attaching a few links for you that will be very helpful raising veileds. I still refer back to them myself sometimes. I would seperate my female from the males ASAP if you have not done so already. The female really should not be mated until over a year old and the more clutches she has shortens her life. The female veiled link will tell you how to prevent laying more eggs in the future.


Best of luck with your new veileds!
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Thank you for the links I will deff read over them. I have a total of 7 Veileds as of right now they are an addicting pet. I have 3 Females adn 4 Males ranging in ages from 3 months to 1 1/2 yrs. They all have there own cages my older ones 5 months and up are in cages that are 4ft high and 2ft wide. the my littliest ones are in 3ft high by 1 1/2 ft wide. They are all seperate and have live plants vines and heat and uv lights. I was intending to breed the females later on when they were older but unfortunitly this little girl came to me this way. I believe she was already mated with before I even got her as she was very large then also and now since she has laid is much small than before. and I have only had her for about 3-4 weeks. None the less she looks very healthy for just having laid 41 eggs. Not dehydrated and eating ok.

I have no intentions on lett my other girls be mated until after they are at least 1yr.

Thank you again so much for your help.
The perlite should be moistened and if you live in Flordia in an air conditioned house just stick your egg containers in a closet and forget them. You really don't want to incubate that close to 80 degrees.
It is really cold hear now like upper 20's at night and low 50 during the day. I have them in tupperware with lids and then in a styrofoam cooler like thing. The tem on them right now is about 72 is that an ok temp? And it takes aprox 6 months for them to hatch correct?

Thanks for you help
Mine took a little over 7 months. I put them all in a large tupperware type pan with about 2" of vermiculite. I covered it with serane wrap and poked a few holes to keep the eggs from becoming moldy. I just sprayed my eggs once a week to keep them from drying out. I hatched all but 2 eggs out of 38! I only lost one baby it drowned in the bottom of the live planter i had in the cage.
Mine took a little over 7 months. I put them all in a large tupperware type pan with about 2" of vermiculite. I covered it with serane wrap and poked a few holes to keep the eggs from becoming moldy. I just sprayed my eggs once a week to keep them from drying out. I hatched all but 2 eggs out of 38! I only lost one baby it drowned in the bottom of the live planter i had in the cage.

What temp did you keep your panthers at to get them to hatch at 7 months?
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