My "zoo"


New Member
Here are some pics of my "zoo"...

My pug (Jersey Girl) is my best friend. She is 2 and a half years old... but looks like a puppy.

My husband's doberman, Panzer just turned 10 months old... He is a real handful and my pug attacks him daily because he always bites her neck. He thinks everything is a game and wants to do everything his way. I hope he calms down soon because if he does not start to behave then we will have to give him up... it is a shame but my husband is also going back to work and he does not have much time to spend with him.

I have 7 koi fish and 3 shubunkin down in a 600 gallon DIY basement pond (their winter home). That reminds me, I need to go and feed them soon. I have an outdoor pond that is 1200 gallons for the fish. We also have a 1/2 acre pond but something has been draining everything out there (we live near a swamp and some company is draining it out which caused our pond to go down to less than 1/2 of how deep it should be).

I have a 12 year old cat that was my grandparents. When I bought the house, she came with it.

Oh and of course... my chameleon is the newest edition... he is great although he always hides from me.


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Don't worry, Panzer will not be a puppy forever! They are some of the most intelligent dogs. Quite the menagerie!
Yes... Panzer did very well with me yesterday while my husband was out all day and it gave me hope. He sure can get crazy at times.

You're right. Never a dull moment over here. LOL
Beautiful dogs you have! I love the face on that doberman. I have 2 shelties but my boyfriend wants to get a big dog and a doberman is on my short list of big dogs I would love. They are beautiful! The pug is adorable as well, too cute.
Yes... Panzer did very well with me yesterday while my husband was out all day and it gave me hope. He sure can get crazy at times.

You're right. Never a dull moment over here. LOL

Dobies will usually pick their owner! The bond will just be stronger with one person and nothing you can do about it. Don't be surprised if it isn't your husband, but you instead!
Yes... Panzer did very well with me yesterday while my husband was out all day and it gave me hope. He sure can get crazy at times.

That's what puppies do. ;) He needs for you to work with him and continue to correct and redirect negative behaviors in a positive manner, and he will be just fine. He sure is a cutie.
Don't give up! You're in the toughest stage for a dog owner in my opinion. Most of my clients would bring their dogs between the ages of 8-11 months for training. They will push you and their boundaries when they're around that age. This is also the age where many dogs are given up. :(

Dobies are great (my brother-in-law has a blue dobie). But they do need to do something and use their heads or they will get into trouble.

Have you taken basic obedience with him? If you have, you may need a refresher course or an advanced course. Why? it'll reinforce what he already knows and challenge him to do more. I highly recommend trick training.

Make sure you guys are calm (but firm) around him and teach him to play gently with your pug. From what you wrote, it seems like your husband is the more "excited" person. Try not to talk too excitedly to him (baby talk, high pitch).

You can always PM me too. :)
My husband has been out of work for a year now and starting something temp (no pharmacy job around here, its unbelievable)... but he wants to take him to obedience training soon because it drives me nuts (I think somehow that my husband is not bothered like I am about the things he does). Panzer has been more manageable lately but its still hard sometimes. I am NOT looking forward to my husband going back to work because its a lot for me to handle. I basically have to keep him away from my pug and cat because he gets crazy (and my pug bites him daily because he is always nose poking her)...

Definitely a zoo alright.
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