Namaqua Cameleon


New Member
does anyone know if you can get one of these? they're the desert chams that dont need humidity. look at him crossing that desert like a boss


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If humidity is your problem, Veiled chameleons don't really need a specific humidity setting.
Also, i have never seen one of those chameleons for sale.
just curious that's all. it would be nice to have something rare. i already have a veiled. panthers are (in my opinion) wayyyyy over rated. not tryna bash on the community but i see so many people with panthers so i got bored of them :p
Nope. They are not allowed for export nor do they do well in captivity even with huge amounts of space.
I have never seen one of these for sale but it would be pretty interesting to how they live there life in a desert type setting. If i had to guess id say they would hang out on cactai to sun them selves but cactus cant provide that much shade so im curious to where they sleep maybe burrow or something? ..

Great now im curious to whats up with these guess ill have to look them up so i can check them out

oh that sucks to hear what region are they from ? and why so hard in capativity ?
No, these are illegal to export so you will never see one. Plus they do really terrible in captivity. No one was able to keep them alive very long back in the day when they could be exported.

Btw, saying that veileds don't need humidity is untrue. A lot of people think they come from desert regions, but they do not. They come from forested regions with relatively high amounts of rainfall. They need less humid conditions than others but they should still have humidity at least 50%.
You won't find one for sale because people have tried to keep them in captivity for years. They have historically been impossible to keep alive in captivity for unknown reasons. Most likely we are unable to provide the extreme conditions they live in like the high temperatures during the day and freezing temperatures during the night. Not to mention the specific bugs that only do well in this environment, and probably provide essential nutrients lacking in a captive diet.

So in short, no. I don't know where you can get one. I DO know where you can find one...but only in a general area not much more precise than pointing on a map. Sorry for the bad news!:rolleyes:
that makes prefect sense now id imagine it would be near impossible to replicate that set up yet alone the feeders like you mentioned, thats a huge shift in temperture to manage, with the quick drop night and cold come quick
lol that's too bad. i was hoping it'd be like a beardie with rotating eyes and a curly tail. but i saw some pictures and they cross that desert like a BOSS! no lies
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