
So i've had my cham for over 3 weeks now, he is a male panther
and i've got about 10 names for him, figure u guys could help

Names are as follows:

Cham Newton (qb)
Cham Marino
Killa Cam
Optimus (cause of the color transforming)
Mr. Snoopers
i like Optimus then you can have a transformers theme for names if you add more chams.. like his GF could be Eleta 1 (sp) LoL
you know i wanna get a female, but it really sucks i can't cage em together, i have a 24''X24''by48'' for my cham and he only explores less than half of it, i don't really wanna get a whole nother setup.
wish they could just get along, isnt there a way of keeping a male n female together n having them get along
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