$4 for $100 Dart Frogs this weekend at NARBC in Tinley Park! Plus, TONS of other frogs, too!

Green Sipaliwini tinctorius - SHOW ONLY SPECIAL $ 30 / 4 for $100
These prices are only valid at the Tinley Park NARBC show THIS WEEKEND, October 10th and 11th!
Starry Night Reed Frogs - $30ea / 4 for $100
Blue back Reed Frogs - $30ea / 4 for $100
RARE Theloderma stellatum - $50ea
RARE Theloderma bicolor (Mini Mossy Frogs, a Josh's Frogs first!) - $60ea
Solomon Island Leaf Frogs - $50ea
Mourning Geckos - $40ea
Yellow Spotted Climbing Toads - $50ea / Adult males $100ea / Adult females $350ea
French Guiana Yellow Vents - $30ea / 4 for $100
Panguana lamasi - $40ea
Baja Huallaga imitators - $60ea
Intermedius - $60ea
Banded imitators - $60ea
Benedicta - $100ea
Tarapota imitators (both Tor and Pepper lines) - $60ea
Arena Blanca vents - $60ea
Highland variabilis - $60ea
Standard lamasi - $200ea
Copperhead fantastica (old line) - $100ea
Green leg bicolor - $20ea
Vittatus - $20ea
Orange terribilis - $40ea / Adult prob female $150ea
Costa Rican auratus - $30ea / 4 for $100
Highland auratus - $50ea
Turquoise and Bronze auratus - $30ea / 4 for $100
El Cope auratus - $30ea / 4 for $100
Panamanian Blue and Black auratus - $30ea / 4 for $100
Venezuelan leucomelas - $40ea
Yellowback tincs - $30ea / 4 for $100
Inferalanis tincs - $30ea / 4 for $100
Boulanger tincs - $40ea
Nikita tincs - $30ea / 4 for $100
Citronella tincs - $30ea / 4 for $100
Patricia tincs - $30ea / 4 for $100
Azureus tincs - $30ea
Powder Blue tincs - $30ea / 4 for $100
Bakhuis tincs - $30ea / 4 for $100
Green Siplawini tincs - $30ea / 4 for $100
Yellow Galacs - $75ea adult prob females
Red Galacs - $500 proven group of 4

Josh's Frogs will be in Tinley Park, IL this weekend - October 10th and 11th!
Click Here for more information!