Nas appears to have some troubble breathing

Yesterday I had to leave my veiled chameleon for a trip to my parents house I only had one automatic timer and he was left for more than 12 hours with his basking light on... When I got back to my apartment he had shedded about 60% of his skin mostly around his mid and head sections even around his eyes. Is he fine? Most fell off in the bottom of his tank but he still has some stuck to his body. what should I do? He seems to be using his legs to take off the dead pealing skin. Please help...
***In addition today I noticed he is breathing heavy. His mouth is sometimes open and sometimes closed. he seems to take a deep breath in expand is jaw (underpart of his mouth) and his lungs expand quite large. What's up with that?
Could possibly be sign of respiratory infection, but fact you said he is shedding has me thinking otherwards to help loosen up the skin by his mouth. Unless you are hearing popping sounds, seeing bubbling by the mouth or stringy saliva
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