need a new name for a female!!


Established Member
i want to rename my chameleon, Lodi. she is named this because we bought her in lodi. she is a beautiful chameleon that deserves a beautiful name. here is a picture of her.:)


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I normally go for mythical god's names. When I got mines I picked out Artemis for a female, turned out to be a male haha. Or how about Aphrodite the goddess of love and beauty? I've always liked the name Noelle too, it's a sweet name :)
Lodi is a beautiful name. It's unique. There are way too many Pascal's out there, not that there's anything wrong with that. It's just refreshing to see something different.

Find a name that inspires you. I like easy to pronounce unique names. As stated by another member, mythology is a great resource for names. Japanese, Malgasy, and Buddhist names are usually my go-to. You can google meanings, or a specific language, and search that way. You can find names meaning color, flower, tree, dragon, etc.

My first Chameleon, Bodhi, was a Buddhist name derived from the Bodhi tree. Which Buddha sat under during the enlightenment. It was cute, fit his personality, and easy to pronounce. It seemed fitting considering Chameleon's spend their whole life in tree's, and they seem wise beyond their years.

Loki's name is derived from Norse Mythology.

I just did some research and went with what stood out. It might take some time, but you will find a name that fits.
I've had my cham for 2 month. And i still dont have a name for him as well :(
Hehe my gf said skittles but I think it sounds a little to feminine for him.
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