I want to build a large cham cage out of either screen doors or window screen and plywood I'm open to suggestions and pictures and all that so please help I'm planning to start on it after winter
Make sure the screen isn't fiberglass since that's often the case and crickets chew straight trough it.
Most hardware stores should sell galvanized(?) aluminium screening which is good and easy to use.
My most specific questions are how to screen the sides most efficiently and how to do doors I have a good idea of my dementions I'm doing either 24" 24" 48" or making it a tad smaller 20" 20" 40"
These are the cages i built for my veiled girls. Lights from Light Your Reptiles- worth every penny! You cant see it. Ut there is a lister with nozzles in each cage as well. They are 3x3x6 - with the actual enclosure being 4' and the legs 2' high.
Also I was wanting to spray the bottom with like rubber stuff that's used for water proofing it comes in a nice forest green at my Lowes would this be ok? I'd of course let it dry and air out for 24 hours