Need Advice

I agree with camimom. He needs more screen less glass, for air flow, they need air flow, stale air = dead cham.
My replies are only suggestions that may help him eat more. Thanks, i will reply

Handling - Everyday, always taking him ouside the cage so he could climd around in the windows, under my supervision. Handfeeding, etc. Reduce this, maybe he is stressing and less attention to do his own thing. Sometimes when i open the cage, he reaches for med to get out, and when i put him back he tries to get out

Feeding - Try as much as i can. I offer crickets and zophobas. - Let the crickets free range, maybe he is a hunter

Watering - I spray the cage a couple of times a day and a dripper for at lest four hours. I drip for 8-10hours, lights on for 12, so he can drink more readily. My lighting is on from 09:00-21:15, i leave for work at 06:00 and is home by 16:30. when i get home theres always a dripper on

Fecal Description - See picture of the last one. looks orangish perhaps some dehydration?

History - Bought him of a guy who's buying from people in eroupe. He have had the chameleon for a couple of months. No problem. He uses a rain system though, and he hand feeds. The big different in cages are the he has more vent and a rain system and i got more space. Change in environment will unsettle them and they will need some time to settle in, it can take a week or 2 sometimes.

Lighting - Two halogen spots, 240w and 80w. One 18w 5.0 uv-b. I do not know about that lighting the uvb is ok, but 2 halogen spot lights? They focus light into beams and really put out more heat than a normal house light bulb. Yes, they do, thats why i have them. To get the temperature up. Its a big cage

Temperature - On top of the cage its about 34 Celsius and in the middle it is about 30 Celsius. Temp is to high imo. The best ambient temperature during the day for Panther Chameleons is room temperature, between 72 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. By placing the basking bulb approximately 8 inches away from a basking perch inside the enclosure, a basking spot of approximately 85-90 degrees Fahrenheit is achieved. I will look into it!

Humidity - Spraying a lot of water, live plants, dripper. Whats the humidity at?
Haven't measured it
You should really know what the humidity in the enclosure is at ll times, keep a hygrometer in by his basking spot.
Everyone is pretty much covering it soo I will jsut say two things first, I did crickets for years and jusr recently switched to mealworms, hornedworms, and will be getting some beatles soon, even thinking about a colony of beatles they wil replenish themselves! Anyway don't do crickets they are noisy, they smell, are more of a hassle to feed and did I mention they smell?

One last thing getting your cham to drink is in my experience (which is only one cham) the most difficult thing, get a little dripper, spray his cage, get gim to drink! Having good leaves in your cage whether fake or real that can catch the water a bit also helps a lot!

Good luck with your new buddy!
If you have not already done so get rid of the waterfall ASAP. They love to poop in them and then its just a disaster waiting to happen with all of the bacteria growth.

Sorry I just now saw someone else mention it.
You should really know what the humidity in the enclosure is at ll times, keep a hygrometer in by his basking spot.

I bought a hygrometer,
and it seems like i found the problem, it way to dry in there.
The humidity is around 60% in the hight of the basking spot.

When i turn the big light on, who gets the degrees up to 34* C, the humidity drops to 30% even if i spray it. If i don't use the big lamp, he stays black and green, when i turn it on he changes to red/green-red. It seems like he likes the heat.

How do i get the humidity up?
I bought a hygrometer,
and it seems like i found the problem, it way to dry in there.
The humidity is around 60% in the hight of the basking spot.

When i turn the big light on, who gets the degrees up to 34* C, the humidity drops to 30% even if i spray it. If i don't use the big lamp, he stays black and green, when i turn it on he changes to red/green-red. It seems like he likes the heat.

How do i get the humidity up?

Live Plants are what will help with humidity and help keep it humid for much longer. Lost of misting in there to get it nice and wet. Do let it dry out though between mistings as you do not want it wet 100% of the time.
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