need help asap with pygmy chameleon


New Member
Hey guys my name is Manuel, for the last couple of months I've been doing a lot of research on pygmy chameleons. I am planning on getting a male and 2 females. I originally wanted to get Rhampholeon brevicaudatus because I heard that they are the best species of pygmy chameleons to get started with. If any one could give tips/ advise on what type of pygmy I should get it will be greatly apreciated
R.Brevs are the heartiest of the Pygmys to take care of as well as their needs are not hard to meet and maintain. My vote is Brevs.
Thanks for the reply. Are you a pygmy owner if so any tips on how to care for them and what to get for the tank setup?

P.s already read lots of caresheets but the more info the better
Before anyone gives you advice on what should go in the tank, do you prefer fake or live plants? I feel live plants are better as they look nicer and I imagine climbing on leaves and branches would be better than plastic. However, live plants require vivarium substrate and a drainage system.
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