Need help deciding which enclosure to get for my cham..debating on these 3..


New Member
I am debating on these 3 cages and what to get some feedback on which is a better purchase. Which ones have you guys used and recommend?




I've owned several types of cages, but never the bottom two types you posted. The screen looks a little "bowed" on the sides, so it looks a little weird to me. Having a clear front door sounds fun... but the first things I think of are whether or not it's reflective and will freak out the chameleon (looks like it's plastic, so shouldn't be that reflective) and cleaning it because it'll constantly be getting water spots all over it.

I currently own something very similar to the top cage and I'm very happy with it. Your size you've selected is correct for all three of these, so you really can't go wrong.

The only one I would NOT recommend are those mesh cages with the plastic pipe frames. Hate those things. But you don't have one of those here, so I think you're good.
I've owned several types of cages, but never the bottom two types you posted. The screen looks a little "bowed" on the sides, so it looks a little weird to me. Having a clear front door sounds fun... but the first things I think of are whether or not it's reflective and will freak out the chameleon (looks like it's plastic, so shouldn't be that reflective) and cleaning it because it'll constantly be getting water spots all over it.

I currently own something very similar to the top cage and I'm very happy with it. Your size you've selected is correct for all three of these, so you really can't go wrong.

The only one I would NOT recommend are those mesh cages with the plastic pipe frames. Hate those things. But you don't have one of those here, so I think you're good.

I think u have a good point on the last enclosure...the water spots will drive me crazy and thats another thing for me to clean daily
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