need help fast please!!!!!!


New Member
my my male ambilobe has been staying in the bottom of the cage latley.i filled out the care sheet on here and everyone said he wasto he is having a hard time standing andis grabbing his front feet with his back feet and is just not right.i talked to the breeder i bought him from and he said itwas a calcium deficiency.the man said to give him 5 drops of liquid calcium twice a week.i have allready gave him his first dose and dont see any it still to early to see a change or should i be giving him a few drops everyday? it is flukers liquid calcium that im giving him.i really need some help so any ideas or opinions would be greatly appreciated
grabbing the front legs with the back is a sign of metabolic bone disease (MBD) You are not going to see results with one dose of liquid calcium. I would have your chameleon evaluated by a vet and get him on the correct regiment of calcium. He might even need some injections. Can you post some pics of him?
im sorry i dont have a way to post pics working on getting a digital camera. the only cham vet around my area will not be available until friday or you think he will live that long and is there anything that in can do to help him make it to then?maybe give him 2 or 3 drops of calcium a day?
yes, he should live. Is he eating and drinking??? I don't think the calcium can hurt. Have you been supplementing and using the proper UVB since you had him????
he ate a few wax worms yesterday.havent seen him eat today.were trying to feed him waxworms right now.he isint moving around enough to get water.he has always had the uvbhe needs.its prolly time to replace the bulb agian.
you have to make sure you replace the bulb every 3- 6 months cause over time it will be less effective.
thanks for the info juju.iv had chams for a few years now but never had any problems till now.i jus bought a female for him to breed wwith and my luck he goes and gets he will get better soon thanks for all of yalls input and help.
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