Need help id on a pygmy:)


New Member
Greetings I resently pruchased a small group of R. Temporalis 1.2.

But it wasnt long before i noticed that one of the females had a beard which led me to belive it was infact a R. brevicaudatus:)

The other female is a R. temporalis for sure but now im begenning to wonder about the male.. If anyone could give me a positive id I would be grateful.




It appears to be a male Rhampholeon spectrum. You can tell by the conical nasal process and soft scales above the eyes. They are also collected fairly often for the pet trade.

That said, the rest of your collection comes from East Africa (Tanzania primarily) but the spectrums are from West Africa (Cameroon and neighbouring countries) and if your three were collected together there is a very slim chance that male could be either a Rhampholeon nchisiensis or Rhampholeon uluguruensis. Those last two species are rarely exported though and I haven’t seen those in a long while.

I’m not up to date on exports from either region but both could have easily happened in recent times. If so then the pygmies can easily be mixed together at the importers location or once they enter the pet trade and labeled as one species. To the untrained eye they all look the same.
Thank you for the help. I took him back to the store and got him traded for a R. temporalis male.
So now i have a pure temporalis group finally:)

Tobad though as the little spectrum guy was a very nice little chameleon.
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