Need help identifying cameleon


New Member
I'm new with cameleons and need help identifying a cameleon.
I live in South Africa and found this little guy before the dog could get to
him/her.I would like to care for it because i have a bearded dragon as well.
Any information on what species this is would be very helpfull.


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souther dwarf chameleon. Bradypodion something. Thats all i can tell you

He's pretty cool and you are lucky to find something like that in your back yard :p
Firstly that is a cape dwarf chameleon

And secondly I would advise you to release that little fellow as soon as possible in a safe place; it is illegal to keep South African Chameleons captive in SA.

And if you don’t have any experience with chameleons, a WC (wild caught) is the most difficult to look after, as they are not use to humans. And get stressed very easily........

And looking after a bearded dragon and a chameleon are two different things….
Please read the articles on this blogspot about keeping wild cuaght SA chameleons
So please dont even consider keeping that cham.....
The chameleon looks really healthy to me,so there should be no problem when releasing that guy..
That actually is not a Cape Dwarf Chameleon (Bradypodion pumilum). It appears to actually be a Bradypodion ventrale. What part of South Africa are you located?

At any rate, as mentioned previously, it is illegal for you to keep wild collected Bradypodion in South Africa. You should release it ASAP as it looks quite healthy.

Thanks for help.Im from the Mpumalanga region in South Africa in a town called Standerton.I will release it asap.Any specific place like high in a tree or a bush that will be the best to release it in.
Thanks for help.Im from the Mpumalanga region in South Africa in a town called Standerton.I will release it asap.Any specific place like high in a tree or a bush that will be the best to release it in.


Yes, preferably close to where you discovered it.
It is a beautiful animal, hopefully in inspires you to look for more and enjoy seeing them in their natural environment.

Glad you posted the picture of it! Its nice to see that they are still free and wild! Good that the dog didn't get it.

Yes, preferably close to where you discovered it.
It is a beautiful animal, hopefully in inspires you to look for more and enjoy seeing them in their natural environment.


I would have to agree. What a BEAUTIFUL specimen!!! I am sooooo jealous:D
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