need help picking a panther breeder

I suggest taking a look at what you personally want all the site sponsor are great just matters what locale, or colors your looking for good luck
I have 2 panthers from Sang at Kameleons, 1 from the Kammer's, 1 veiled from camimom, and 1 veiled and a jacksons from FL Chams.
Any of them I would recommend, though I dont think camimom raises panthers to sell, could be wrong :confused:
I got mines from chameleons company out of florida my guy has turned out way stunning should have bwen a breeder holdback but i got him and now will sire my female :)
Got both of my boys from Bruce at Chameleon Paradise in California. He is a site sponsor and offers great information with his healthy, beautiful chams.

I have boys from Jake & Cowboy

Totally agree !. Got my baby from Bruce is a really good guy with tons of experience! He will help you through all the process, and his panther chameleons are amazing. mine is a boy from Primo and Candy cane :)
Ya I chose a ambilobe. I almost went with a nosy f but decided against it because I thought a ambilobe would go great when I breed my female. the thing is I don't know what locale she is. I bought her at a expo from a kid who paid 175 for hee without his parents knowing and I saw them yelling at the kid and offered to buy her off of him for 150. I posted pics on here for identifing her but no one could help me out I hAve never seen a female with her patterns!


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