Need Help Red eye frog Set up??


New Member
The only place i know where to go for help is you guys lol,

Ok here is the problem...

My little sister has had 2 red eye tree frogs for the past couple years they seem to be doing great however they are having a very hard time with the cage always dirty and just gross. they have changed a few things putting soil in the bottom with moss over the top and also the dreaded water fall.

I suggested to them that they make the set up where it's a little eco system cleans itself with plants etc.

What i need help with is pics or ideas to make this work. Also the best type of plants for them.

They are currently in an exoterra glass cage the one where the front 2 doors open really nice and pretty big.

please help give me ideas on how to make the vivarium really nice and a good place for them.

I use rocks on the bottom for drainage and coconut bark over top of it. I keep the plants int heir own potters that they come in fromt the store that have holes to allow drainage. I also no do use a waterfall but just a little stone dish. I have 3 small plants int here for humidity as well as a rock with holes in it to allow more hiding climbing. I also use a sunlight bulb overtop to signify night and night as the red eye is nocturnal. mine has been great for a year now with no smell other than decaying crickets which are removed often. Ill post pics up later for you.
Sorry it took so long

Okay here is my setup. Not sure of the exoterra size but its a large one, like HUGE. Found it at a flea market for $50 and I believe it retails for over 150-199... I use rocks and then peatmoss as a substrate to help with humidity. Got some plants, some fake rock (the crickets love to gather on the lava rock which makes it easy when I need to take some out to feed Leo). I use a water bowl with a paper towel to give the suicidal ones a way out if they change their mind. My guy is on the glass today..Usually he is on a plant which i have to hunt down since he blends so well.:) The orange and blackberry are for the crickets. I have also seen the hornworms, which i keep in here, eating on them. I found if I keep the horns in here, they live longer. I put their food they come with in but it dries out quickly. There isnt any uvb or lighting as it sitsin front of a window. I have had this setup for well over a year now with no issues. I did use a sunbulb for some time to simulate daytime before it was moved to the window.




Sorry if they are dark or crooked.. This new camera is kicking my butt!

and some of the fella..
I have Whites Tree Frogs, in the same type of glass enclosure. I use no substrate. There are a few rocks, several branches including a big piece of grape and vines. Plants grow in small pots or in a jar or water (pothos cuttings). I find I have to clean the enclosure weekly or they STINK. I change the water bath daily, sometimes twice daily.

I'm about to get some Mantellas. I'm pretty sure they need substrate. I wonder how much they're going to stink :(
Wow, I have no scent coming from mine unless some crickets kill it.. I change it out about every other month and fresh water every day. The crickets get fresh food. It molds fast with the humidity!! He was in a 10 hex and Id say he has upgraded..He is covered with substrate each morning..I wanna hide a camera and see what he does at night to get so dirty.:)

Mantellas..those are PDFs?
You have the water fall built into the back? I wanted to do that. My setup didnt come with the false back sine I bought it used though and I didnt trust myself to try to do something like that. I tried for a PDF setup and it went I gave up! Very cool.
Thanks Blackbetty! I actually didn't use the false back that came with the viv. I attached the cork bark directly on to the back of the viv using 'great stuff' and then siliconed on cocofiber over the 'great stuff'. The false back did not look as good as real cork bark and cocofiber.
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