Need help sexing my bearded pygmies


New Member
Just got a trio in today. Not too happy with the seller though. Here in NC the temperature fell well below freezing last night but he sent NO heat pack and used newspaper and "some" foam peanuts instead of foam panels. The poor things were soooo cold and lethargic when I got them (as a matter of a fact, around 55 degrees). Upon arrival, the smallest one looked pretty bad (ie. not even opening "his" eyes) but "he" must be the bounce back kid because he's doing much better. :D They have all had a bit to drink, eaten a bit, and are starting to become less dark (there were all a dark chocolate color when I got them).

I ordered 2 female and one male....I think that is what I got. I've done a lot of research but I'm still unsure at what I have. Can you all re-assure/correct me? I think the little one is the male. Thanks! :D:D

Next 2 photos are of the same one (I think its a female):



Does she seem gravid here? ^^ I new to them so I don't know.

The next pic is of the other one that I think is a female. vv


And the next is of the proposed male. vv


And finally, all three.


Big thanks! :)
I could be wrong but I think the first is the best chance of being a male (longer tail) and the other 2 are females. Although comparing yours with my little male they kind of all look female. I posted pics of my male and female here. Hopefully someone else will chime in.
The back of the first one looks to rounded off to me. I think you're right on the genders. I have a female who bends her tail like that. Plus you also have to make up for the size difference in the lizards. The big one looks like it has a really long tail, but the little one's tail is just about as long and it's way smaller.
The back of the first one looks to rounded off to me. I think you're right on the genders. I have a female who bends her tail like that. Plus you also have to make up for the size difference in the lizards. The big one looks like it has a really long tail, but the little one's tail is just about as long and it's way smaller.

Thanks for the info. I was concerned, esp. after how poorly they were packed. I also thought the bigger one had a pretty long tail. The smallest one is at least half the size of the biggest one. I will add that the biggest one is much bigger than the adult female that to local museum has, even in weight (I work there).

If it will help anybody, here's another pic of the biggest pygmy:

I had a massive Pygmy. I believe she was like 5 grams (my scale is only accurate to the gram.) She strutted her stiff everywhere. :) I also have a male now who is about the size of a half dollar who puffs up at me sometimes. He's like a big chameleon!
I think you're right on the sexes. Think the male is just a young or small male, the base of the tail looks a little thicker and compared to the size of the body I would say it is indeed a male. The first female looks to be gravid, but I'm not sure. You could try to gently feel the eggs if they are there.
I had a massive Pygmy. I believe she was like 5 grams (my scale is only accurate to the gram.) She strutted her stiff everywhere. :) I also have a male now who is about the size of a half dollar who puffs up at me sometimes. He's like a big chameleon!

lol She is a bit grumpy also. Even right out of the box (when she could barely move because of the cold) she puffed all up. A few hours later and she would still open up her mouth and get all big and flat. :D The others have good nature, not her. lol

I think you're right on the sexes. Think the male is just a young or small male, the base of the tail looks a little thicker and compared to the size of the body I would say it is indeed a male. The first female looks to be gravid, but I'm not sure. You could try to gently feel the eggs if they are there.

Thanks! After all the responses, I now feel re-assured. I think he is pretty young. I'm also glad to hear that she could be gravid (they are all WC's)
I have next to no experience with pygmies so I am not much help with sexing them. Although looking at the tail bases I tend to agree with your thoughts:) The one female does look a little chubbier than the other so she could very well be gravid. Does she have a proper place to lay the eggs? I always like looking at planted vivs so feel free to post pics of yours!!!
I have very little experince with pygmy's so would listin to the others over me but i would say top 1 is female and bottem male........ the middle is hard to tell for me, he/she has colours I havent seen and I cant see the "goaty" under the chin that bearded pygmies are ment to half!
Is it just the picture thats not showing it?
I have next to no experience with pygmies so I am not much help with sexing them. Although looking at the tail bases I tend to agree with your thoughts:) The one female does look a little chubbier than the other so she could very well be gravid. Does she have a proper place to lay the eggs? I always like looking at planted vivs so feel free to post pics of yours!!!

She does have a place to lay if she is gravid. :) I do like the look of planted vivs a lot, so that's what I'm working on. The tank is ready but I just have silk vines in there ATM. It will be finished next week though; I'll post pics then. :D

I have very little experince with pygmy's so would listin to the others over me but i would say top 1 is female and bottem male........ the middle is hard to tell for me, he/she has colours I havent seen and I cant see the "goaty" under the chin that bearded pygmies are ment to half!
Is it just the picture thats not showing it?

The middle one does have the "beard". Just didn't show up in the pic. ;) Also, she only showed the red color once. She's a brown/green most of the time.
I had a massive Pygmy. I believe she was like 5 grams (my scale is only accurate to the gram.) She strutted her stiff everywhere. :) I also have a male now who is about the size of a half dollar who puffs up at me sometimes. He's like a big chameleon!

Five grams!? Holy. I guess at that size she could strut her stuff LOL
She was a super squinter. All of my Pygmies start to squint at me when they see me walk in :) She looked like she thinking, "Pfft, I'm better than that thing over there that's looking at me. I'll just ignore it."
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