Need Help sexing my new panther Cham!


Established Member
I just recently purchased my panther cham& was told most likely a male.. I wasn't sure because of the pinkish tint... Although he/she is
Showing a lot of different blues and greens also. PLEASE HELP!


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It is difficult to tell from that picture, as the glare from the lighting is masking a lot of detail, and throwing off the color. I think it leans female, but there is no way to be at all certain with that photo. See if you can get couple with less direct light.
It's hard to tell I'm constantly going back and fourth trying to figure it out


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    211.1 KB · Views: 231
Hey. Thanks for the added photos. It brings much more perspective to the table.

Judging by your hand, the chameleon appears to be 6" total length, give or take a little. Its coloration leans female, probably with an 80% certainty. But beyond that, at this size, its rostral appendage (snout) should now be protruding over the upper lip if it were a male, and it does not. It should also have a fairly obvious hemipenal bulge if it male, and it does not. It is a girl.

Did you purchase this as a male ? Or as a "male, but we can't guarantee sex" ? If so, who took your money ?
I purchased him from a local breeder, who is also one of my family friends. I'm sure I could get her replaced with a forsure male, but I'm confused about why she shows greens and turquoise on her head and body along with red and orange... Are females capable of showing these colors as well?
Thank you for your info!
Hmm, hold on. Can you do one more picture of the full body from the side with the tail straight out?
He/she is very grumpy and doesn't want to be held. I took a couple shots when she was basking. She is very brown now, I'm guessing because of stress. I had gotten her yesturday. But I hope these pics help a little untill I can take some more while holding her


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Here is the best vent/tail I can get for now. I will upload more as soon as I am able to


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In this picture it's hard to see the green on his/her face.. But It is there.


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I purchased him from a local breeder, who is also one of my family friends. I'm sure I could get her replaced with a forsure male, but I'm confused about why she shows greens and turquoise on her head and body along with red and orange... Are females capable of showing these colors as well?
Thank you for your info!

As to your question about colors, females in particular always show a patch of color in the area behind their eye. In an adult, it can be the approximate size of a dime. This can be green-turquoise-blue-purple in color. On the body, when they are younger, you can also get some greenish color on occasion. As they mature, this will go more to he peach-orange-tan that we expect of more mature females when relaxed. However, adult females, especially from the western Madagascar Locales, can develop an almost iridescent blue-purple rain pattern, that is most prominent when they are showing their darker background colors.
Okay, hopefully this helps.

As I have been steadfast. It is 6" long or longer. Its snout should now be clearly that of a male, and it is not. It has zero hemipenal bulge.

Thank you for the multiple images. I know the animals are not always cooperative, and it takes some work to upload.
Although I still haven't seen a pic that makes me 100% I'm still leaning male on this one. The tail base looks too thick to be female. Kelly, check out my thread here and see if you see what I mean with him in front of you. Pics with the tail positioned in those pics would make me more sure.

Jim, I think this one may be younger/more immature than first impression. A couple of those pics seem to have male colors starting to show, at least on my phone. Is there a little blue behind the front armpit area in that last pic? Or more of a yellow background in the body in some of those last ones? In the first pic it looks like some blue in the bars where they meet the lateral stripe, too.
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