Need Help!


New Member
Your Chameleon (species, sex, and age)- male veiled chameleon, about 1 year
Handling- hand feeding, recently purchased so not wanting to stress with handling yet
Feeding- crickets, superworms and mealworms
Supplements-calcium 4x a week, multivitamin 2x a month
Watering- humidifier going, misting for 1 minute 2 or 3 times a day
Fecal Description- urate on the end is yellow
History- have only had him for just over a week
Cage Type- mesh screen, biggest size
Lighting- uv light and basking bulb
Temperature- basking : 34 celcius (94 F) rest of cage 23-26 (73-79 F)
Humidity- varies throughout the day from 40-55
Plants-two live plants and fake vines on cage sides, getting a pothos soon
Cage Placement- in my room by my window, somewhat drafty so I am going to move him to the other side of my room tomorrow
Geographic Location- alberta, canada
Problem/concern- his urate is yellowish orange and I am worried and needing help on how to get him properly hydrated
I would get a dripper going and see if he will drink from that. You can try misting longer also. Do yo see him drink at all? Also, a yellow urate is not horrible, so don't panic!
I have increased the misting 4 or 5 minutes twice a day, also his eyes are beginning to look wrinkly. I set the dripper up tonight, I will see how things go.
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