Need helpon Baby Jacksons


New Member
I have gotten 2 baby jacksons that were born at the pet for free. I somewhat have experience with raising babies, but alot more with the adults. I am keeping the babies in a square plastic sided aquarium but i leave the cover off for ventalation. but anyways i need help on how much pinheads to feed them each day, and how much water, and if the cage is ok. I keep it by a window so the breeze can flow ontop, but hardly any direct sunlight. One is kinda turning a little white and i want to really badly keep them alive and healty, especially before he gets sick.
I have gotten 2 baby jacksons that were born at the pet for free. I somewhat have experience with raising babies, but alot more with the adults. I am keeping the babies in a square plastic sided aquarium but i leave the cover off for ventalation. but anyways i need help on how much pinheads to feed them each day, and how much water, and if the cage is ok. I keep it by a window so the breeze can flow ontop, but hardly any direct sunlight. One is kinda turning a little white and i want to really badly keep them alive and healty, especially before he gets sick.

How big is the aquarium..? It has to be big enough to give them space yet confined enough to allow them to find their pinheads easily...just keep a few branches with leaves to climb on and nothing else except paper towels at the bottom so they can spot their prey . Change the paper towels often. I also suggest that you vary their diet with other feeders such as fruit flies and baby silkworms if you can get a hold of them. I hope you have purchased a uvb linear tube. As for watering hand mist them about 3 times a day for about 5 mins max. You dont want to drown them and the prey.make sure to allow the aquarium to dry completely in between mistings.
Usually chams turn a pale/white colour when they are trying to reflect heat. Make sure your temps stay below 79F as anything higher for a long period of time will surely cause the end for them.
they are going to need uvb. so, if you dont want to invest in a uvb, you are going to have to take them outside every day, and if you are not able to watch them , you should probably build or buy a small screen cage (preferably critter proof). uvb does not travel well through glass or plastic, so just keeping them in the window will not be sufficient in their current cage, one thing you could do is set your cage up with a tiny plant that rises above the top of the cage but is trimmed so no part hangs out past the sides of the cage , that way if they fall they will fall inside the cage but should offer some uvb(when they climb above the top of the cage). i find ffs (preferably hydei) are easier to deal with and probably better digestively than pinheads. imo, they should have food available during all daylight hrs. but if that is not possible you can probably get away with 3-4 healthy feedings a day. i would mist their cage several times a day, try to avoid spraying the chams directly.have you already supplemented? usualy i would avoid supplementing for the first several weeks, but turning white is not a good sign. more info would be helpful. do they actively eat and drink? jmo
I'm in the same situation as you. I have 8 baby Jacks. Mine are in a screened cage with a heat source. I feed them fruitflies 2 or 3 or 4 times a day. give them a good spray down too.
Are you noticing yours eating? I saw mine eat a couple of times (some of them) and they're all still alive, but I haven't seen them eat lately and I'm a little worried. FWIW, I keep fruit flies and roaches available all the time.
How big is the aquarium..? It has to be big enough to give them space yet confined enough to allow them to find their pinheads easily...just keep a few branches with leaves to climb on and nothing else except paper towels at the bottom so they can spot their prey . Change the paper towels often. I also suggest that you vary their diet with other feeders such as fruit flies and baby silkworms if you can get a hold of them. I hope you have purchased a uvb linear tube. As for watering hand mist them about 3 times a day for about 5 mins max. You dont want to drown them and the prey.make sure to allow the aquarium to dry completely in between mistings.
Usually chams turn a pale/white colour when they are trying to reflect heat. Make sure your temps stay below 79F as anything higher for a long period of time will surely cause the end for them.

Thanks for taking the time to respond. Yea, thats what i was thinking about the space, but its pretty good about allowing just enough for them to eat.
I'm in the same situation as you. I have 8 baby Jacks. Mine are in a screened cage with a heat source. I feed them fruitflies 2 or 3 or 4 times a day. give them a good spray down too.

Thats cool.. Are they still alive and looking healthy?
they are going to need uvb. so, if you dont want to invest in a uvb, you are going to have to take them outside every day, and if you are not able to watch them , you should probably build or buy a small screen cage (preferably critter proof). uvb does not travel well through glass or plastic, so just keeping them in the window will not be sufficient in their current cage, one thing you could do is set your cage up with a tiny plant that rises above the top of the cage but is trimmed so no part hangs out past the sides of the cage , that way if they fall they will fall inside the cage but should offer some uvb(when they climb above the top of the cage). i find ffs (preferably hydei) are easier to deal with and probably better digestively than pinheads. imo, they should have food available during all daylight hrs. but if that is not possible you can probably get away with 3-4 healthy feedings a day. i would mist their cage several times a day, try to avoid spraying the chams directly.have you already supplemented? usualy i would avoid supplementing for the first several weeks, but turning white is not a good sign. more info would be helpful. do they actively eat and drink? jmo

Thanks alot for the help. Do you know if termites is ok? After i take off the wings?
you can feed termites as long as they are smaller than the gap between their eyes... Always vary their diet though and watch out for the termites escaping or they could permanently infest your house :eek:
did you say how old they are? assuming they are 1-2 months old they should probably be eating 1/8"-3/16 food by now. there are lots of people who keep and raise jacksons in the islands, if you could hook up with one of them, that would be a good move. i believe cf member sarroca808 keeps jacksons and lives on oahu, so it might be worthwhile to shoot him a pm. jmo
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Right on, thanks for letting me know, ill try and check it out. The babies i have are onle about 4 days old?? Im loosing count on the days. I gotta go keep up with that.
Oh, yea, sorry for not answering your other questions, but yea, they both actively drink and eat.. its just the lighting/ air flow i was kinda worried about. I heard the can get some sort of breathing problem but i dont know what environment itll be for that to get to that point and stuff.
if they are only 4 days old, they will need true one week crickets and hydei ffs, certainly no adult termites. i would avoid feeding them anything larger than hydei ff for the first two weeks.feeding anything larger is likely to cause problems. jmo
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