Need some advice PLEASE!!! Veiled Chameleon

you dont need a special basking light, just an ordinary lamp bulb will be fine, just make sure you measure the temps.
ok cool, then I have all the correct lights that I need. I just hope he gets better now and starts eating!!!

Thanks everyone. Will keep you updated!
you dont need a special basking light, just an ordinary lamp bulb will be fine, just make sure you measure the temps.

hmmm, no not in this instance of husbandry, ordinary bulbs explode if they come in contact with water or water vapour if they are very hot, it is better to invest in a proper basking lamp.

This Chameleon has had enough up hill already. :D
ok cool, then I have all the correct lights that I need. I just hope he gets better now and starts eating!!!

Thanks everyone. Will keep you updated!

How is he doing this morning? Did you monitor the eating as yet? Has he had a few meal worms?

I had both my chams out side from about 15:30 till just after 18:00 yesterday. My Baby Panther chameleon started shedding again :) Rocco on the other hand is still on a bit of a eating strike with crickets, at least his getting in some meal worms.
Yip could be.

Do you have a outdoor enclosure for him to get some sun in today, put him outside with the meal worms visible he should suck them up after he is warmed up.
I'm still waiting for the previous owner to bring me the cage for outside. He said that he will bring it to me this weekend. It is really cloudy and windy outside today…..
That is awesome news.

Does he have a name yet? :)

Oh and cloudy is cool there is still a lot of UV that comes through :D as long as its not cold and rainy.

But ja wait for the outside cage and upload a pic.

The wife and i spend most of our time outside under the umbrellas and camp masters on the weekends with the Chameleons and monkey enjoying the sun. This winter is going to be depressing i tell you lol. I might just turn my garage into a tropical rain forest for the winter. :p
another question..... I need to get him some plants for his outside cage, what do you recommend? What else do I need to put in the cage for outside?
All you need is plants and vine, you will also need to mist him down every few min if its really hot, I went to flora farm and got him this its called the umbrella tree (Schefflera arboricola) i use this for the outside flex its grows like a monster in the rain we been having. You can also try find a Ficus tree.

Also get Some Jungle Vine to create a few walk ways for him. Then you also need to get a dripper going you can DIY it with a plastic container aquarium tubing and a clamp to regulate the flow or get a Zoo Med Little dripper.

As soon as you get the enclosure try post a picture.

I attached a pic of the black 100 gallon flex and his DIY indoor mesh cage its the only pic i have at the moment. I have recently added an extra umbrella tree into the flex. Ignore the empty green cage i was cleaning it up thats why it looks so empty.


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Firstly I am also in South Africa and I also have a +-3 year old veild cham :D

Secondly I would not stress about him drinking too much as these cham's are from a desert enviroment and can go without water for a few weeks before they die.

I stand to be corrected but I have read that they can last for up to a month as well without food so do not panic :)

I think the change of scenery is the major problem here. He is not settled yet and this might take up to a month to get there.

You mentioned the moving of his cage. Well even though that might help now by moving him too much from one spot is also going to disturb him. Rather leave him in the same place and rather put a dark cover over the part of the cage which is most exposed. I mean the part of the cage where if you walk past he will see you through for a few days maybe?

Otherwise do not stress too much. This breed of Cham is very hardy and will eventually one of these days start eating more when he gets hungry again. I have a water feature in my cage where my Cham licks to get water. I only spray him when it rains outside. there a substrate in the cage?

"Because veiled chameleons come from Saudia Arabia and Yemen it is sometimes assumed that their hydration requirements are less demanding than those of most other chameleons. The fact is, however, that these animals are most abundant in mountainous coastal regions where rainfall can be heavy and even in the absence of rain, fog conditions create significant condensation. The animals drink the dew off of leaves and other wet surfaces. Veiled chameleons require the same regimen of misting and drip systems as do most other chameleons"...
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