Need some help guys

Something Cold

New Member
Ive been searching around for a veiled for a good couple weeks now and I was just at a pet supplies plus and they had a 6 month old male veiled there. He was adorable. I asked to hold him and he seemed quite alert, and friendly. The problem is when I was talking to the store manager he said that he has had him for the past three weeks and during that time he was had absolutely no UVB exposure! I'm not sure what to do because after all the research I have done I realize that MBD is a serious problem but the guy had quite a good grip and seemed generally healthy. Should I drive back out there and go get him or would it be a better idea to keep looking?
take a pic and post it of him

3 weeks without uvb wont kill him, but he should get uvb asap.
not moving but eyes open is normal, sometimes my guys bask in the same spot all day long. other times they roam everywhere.
I dont like Pet supplies plus, lol the one around my area in Sturtevant Wisconsin seemed to have workers that didnt care :( but anyway as camimom said, if he is alert and all of that there should not be a problem. Just if you do get him make sure you get uvb on him right away to prevent any more from happening if anything did. It sounds like he is a healthy little guy from the way you describe him.
Alright guys thank you for the fast responses, I'll head out now and get him before anymore damage is done. I also think that I'll talk to the store manager and tell him to get a UVB bulb for any future chameleons he gets in. Again thanks for the input.
Alright guys thank you for the fast responses, I'll head out now and get him before anymore damage is done. I also think that I'll talk to the store manager and tell him to get a UVB bulb for any future chameleons he gets in. Again thanks for the input.

No problem I am just glad you are taking the initiative to let them know what they are doing wrong. But in my experience it seems that people really do not like being corrected LOL :D
Hello again, just got back from the pet store with Brick! I had a talking to with the store manager and actually managed to convince him how crucial a UVB light is and he promised that from now on out, all his future chameleons will have UVB's! Anyways, Brick looks to be in pretty good health. He is really active and to my best knowledge doesn't seem to have any symptoms of MBD. Although he does seem quite skinny, I can see all of his ribs, is this normal? Also, I noticed what looks to be a hair poking out from his butt. Im not really sure what that is and am wondering if any of you guys can help me. Other than that, I am soooooo happy I got him and again thank you for all of your help!:D


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Good for you for going to save him! And for talking to the manager.

He does look thin but not starving so with a little bit of time, I'm sure that you can fix that. Having lived without UVB without a few weeks should be okay if he gets it now and he gets daily dustings of his bugs with plain calcium. Also, I would consider an extra dose of Ca+D3 for a few weeks. Maybe someone else will pipe up on this one.

I had a cham with a problem like MBD and the vet had me giving liquid ca every day and d3 every week to 10 days for awhile. So, maybe that would help make up for what your guy was lacking. But, if you do up the d3 for a short time, push the hydration and make sure he gets lots of water. That never hurts. But od-ing him on d3 can be just as bad as not enough so you have to be careful with that too.
I say you make some kind of agreement with the pet store, saying you'll buy him when they put up UV lighting. Not that hard, don't give them the money until they do it. Flash it of course :cool:

You know if you buy him they'll just pop another in that tank, and if you don't buy him he's doomed....I'd just complain about no UV and not buy the animal anyway. But I'd sure as hell be back to complain about it just because I'm that guy.


I'm super glad you worked that out, check and make sure he puts UV up though! Glad to see you have a new little friend :) READ UP!
he does look a bit skinny, but other than that, not bad.

get him some good uvb, lots of food (many of us let males eat as much as they want) and lots of water, and he'll be right as rain soon enough!

also that hair thing you talked about, probably a sperm plug. its normal.
The hair could also be an actual hair. Speaking as a long-haired person who has indoor tortoises for part of the year, they do ingest hair and pass it. Pics might help.
Congrats on the new lil guy, he looks ok just give him all he can eat for the next lil bit and he will plump up. As for the hair looking thing, was he kept on any substraight such as coco fibre, either way keep an eye on it and if it does not go away ( esp with the next poo ) it may need a closer look.
Thanks for the input guys, I have been giving him a few crickets throughout the day, but I won't be getting the calcium dust until tonight. So I plan on giving him an all you can eat buffet in a little bit :D
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