Need suggestions for excess feeders


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Need suggestions for excess feeders

Help!?!? I’m drowning in bugs! I’ve tried advertising on Craig’s list, the local Herp society, local pet shops…. Etc…
I’ve been managing the production as best I can with lowest possible breeding temperature- and yet still I have thousands of crickets, hundreds of dubias, thousands of superworms…

I can’t stand the idea of just killing them since I’ve been nurturing them since birth.

I’ve even tried increasing the number of reptiles, and haven’t room for more.

What does everyone do with their overloads? They are costing me more money to feed that it would if I stopped breeding and just bought them, but I like knowing they’ve grown up in a healthy environment…
Gotta tell ya, sandrachameleon, I've really been thinking about it- wondering if it would taste like crab, shrimp, or lobster...
Thanks Melric-
So looks like there would be interest- advise on how to ship? What kind of proce would be considered a bargain? I know, novice questions. But you know how some people have green thumbs, I seem to have that nack with insects, and the only think I have ordered via mail more than once is hornworms. And I actually got about 300 of my own bred in one hatching. I would have had a ton more, but like everything else around here, an overwhelming volume, so I refrigerated hundreds and hundreds of eggs. Second generation just emerged as moths today, but there's only four, so not sure how that will go.

I appreciate all advice.
Gotta tell ya, sandrachameleon, I've really been thinking about it- wondering if it would taste like crab, shrimp, or lobster...

Superworms taste kinda nutty
not bad at all really

Perhaps there is a reptile rescue facility in your area that would welcome free food?
Is that the voise of experience? How did you prepare them?
I haven't found anything but an iguana rescue.
SmallPetFeeders has a Extra Feeder Trade-in Program you can apply for. We will compensate you in store credit or in cash payment. If you wish to apply, send a list of what you have, how long you've been in the hobby of breeding bugs, pictures of your stock (closeup individuals and group shots), information on their diet to date, health issues (if any), and any other relevant information you might have on them. If you're trading in Dubia or other roach species, we can't accept any which show signs of aggression from lack of hiding spots (I.E.- missing antenna, missing legs, ect). All feeders must be in perfect health, and there's a certain amount of trust that goes with that which can only be instilled over several deals, but in the meantime pictures and information from you will work until we can reach that point.

We try to uphold a high quality standard, and although I can't promise anything, I always love to meet new people and definitely will take the time to review your proposal :)

Blessed love,
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