Need suggestions on where to live!


Staff member
So when i graduate in May the plan is to get out of Texas! The problem is I've only ever lived in Texas, and only in 2 cities at that. So it's difficult to just pick someplace to live without ever having been there for more than a few days, if even that. I need some help from a diverse community with varied geographical experience! Here is what I'm looking for:

- Needs to be a big city (at least half a million) for me to have decent work, but not so big that traffic is absurd or smog is overwhelming.
- Lots of outdoors activities, and thus a decent enough climate to enjoy them! Love snow skiing as well as hiking as well as beachy activities, just as long as there's something!
- Summers have to at least have a decent stretch of sun and temps in at least the 70-80s for my tortoises. But no summers that feel like I've stepped into hell...been there, done that!
- More liberal than conservative. I think of myself as a moderate, but coming from the darkest shade of red state Texas I really want want a change of atmosphere!
- My husband is a web developer so an area with good tech jobs would be ideal.
- I have a butt load of student loans so a cheaper cost of living would be best for the next few years. We'll be renting for sure, a house preferably.

I like Colorado, but the best place seems to be Denver, and it's just too big and smoggy. I don't much about the smaller cities just outside of Denver...

I need to start applying for jobs asap, so it's about to turn into "throw a dart at a map" because I don't have any better ideas at the moment! I know that's a bit of an impossible list to work with so any opinions on places that might be good, or even places that would be incompatible would be much appreciated!!

my suggestions are

Los Angeles(pros: near me:D lmao, and the SBCK meetings, and alot of people, idont think we are very smoggy...)


San diego:cool:, ive been there, and i would like to live there oneday:rolleyes:

thats all i got, if those are one of the WORST choices or reasons i dont know or should know, sorry:eek:

haha goodluck finding a new/nice home:)
I worry about the inflated cost of living in the big California cities though...don't think I can afford that on my little student budget, which is what I'll be on for a while as I pay back loans.
Well, just outside of Philadelphia somewhere may interest you. Big enough, but not so big. Advantages would be that you are within 1 - 2 hours of NYC, Baltimore, the Jersey shore, and the Poconos for skiing.
I worry about the inflated cost of living in the big California cities though...don't think I can afford that on my little student budget, which is what I'll be on for a while as I pay back loans.

yeah i hear you, hmmm thats true and california is really not doing that great, but still the scenary and location of being near the ocean, mountains and decent size cities are great, as far as jobs its been tough....

well goodluck then:), but i would try and reserach a bit more in california, just my thoughts but overall do what you gotta do and dont go beyond what your wallet can't handle:eek:
Miami or West Palm Beach! Miami is abig city and traffic can be a pain, but I drive 80 miles a day there and spend between an hour and a half to 2 hours total driving around to get to the university of miami.

West Palm is a pretty cool city, big airport close by, beach, and you have plenty of things to do around.
Ok let me toss in what I know. If you want high cost then California is the place. I moved from there 4 years ago, and excepth for the weather, and my friends, the things I miss are in very city.
Seattle is nice, but the traffic is getting ugly and I missed the sunshine. Way too many overcast days, a lot to do and the rain is not as bad as some make it sound.
Kansas city is not bad, not as much cultural activities as I would like. Prices are affordable, traffic isn't any worse that any med to small city. It can get pretty warm but not like Texas.
Went to collage in Iowa, on a 1 to 10 I give it a 4. Cold as hell winter and hot as hell summers and not a lot to do.
The only other place I have spent any amount of time is Las Vegas, let me just say you want hot? Texas can't have much over Vegas or Phoenix .

Oh yes Montana where I live now?? I would love having you here but you would hate me forever.
I highly recommend south FL. ;) The weather's nice year round, the cost of living is cheap and right now you can buy a house at a VERY reasonable price. There's lots of animals including reptiles here and we'd love to have you!
Go to Colorado Springs! ;) I am moving there in either 40 days, or this summer. Depending on which is more convenient! Good Luck on your choices!
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